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The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) requires school districts to conduct a follow-up survey with graduates of their Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to learn about their experiences after graduation. This graduate follow-up survey asked whether Class of 2022 CTE graduates had enrolled in college, continued to work or train in their CTE field of study, or pursued other activities.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires each district to survey exiting seniors about their intentions after high school—specifically, whether students plan to obtain additional education, secure employment, or pursue other activities. This graduate follow-up survey asked Career and Technical Education (CTE) students from the class of 2021 about their experiences after graduation.
The 2020-21 Senior Exit Survey contained a subset of questions specifically related to Career and Technical Education (CTE). The survey asked self-identified CTE students about their post-graduation plans for further education and employment. This slide deck provides a summary of the survey results for CTE respondents.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires each district to survey exiting seniors about their intentions after high school—specifically, whether students plan to obtain additional education, secure employment, or pursue other activities. This graduate follow-up survey asked Career and Technical Education (CTE) students from the class of 2020 about their experiences after graduation.
This brief examines “summer melt” rates (or the rates at which students who said they intended to pursue post-secondary education as seniors did not enroll in college the following fall) among student subgroups in the SDP senior classes of 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Results from senior exit surveys administered by ORE and completed by graduates from SDP’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) class of 2019.
Results from a new, customized graduate follow-up survey administered to members of the class of 2018.
This brief examines the representativeness of the Senior Exit Survey and aims to describe how generalizable responses from 2018-19 are to the entire population of District seniors.
This brief uses District-Wide Survey data to explore the trends in student perceptions of college and career readiness at School District of Philadelphia (SDP) high schools from 2016-17 to 2018-19.
This report builds on previous findings by examining first-fall matriculation outcomes of the 2015-16 first-time ninth-grade cohort who graduated on time (Class of 2019) by their Ninth Grade On-Track status (Firmly On-Track, On-Track But At Risk, and Off-Track). This report also compares matriculation outcomes across demographic characteristics.