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Posts tagged ‘K-5’

Selected Results from the 2017-18 Kindergarten Registration Secretary Survey

Selected Results from the 2017-18 Kindergarten Registration Secretary Survey

Results from a December 2018 survey of SDP school secretaries about the kindergarten registration process.

Teacher Perspectives on the Literacy and Learning Centers Project

Teacher Perspectives on the Literacy and Learning Centers Project

A summary of survey responses from teachers who participated in the 2016 K-2 SDP classroom redesign.

Grade 3 ELA PSSA Performance in SDP, 2014-15 to 2016-17

Grade 3 ELA PSSA Performance in SDP, 2014-15 to 2016-17

This brief focuses on District-level progress toward Anchor Goal 2 by examining third-grade performance on the English Language Arts (ELA) PSSA exam over three school years (2014-15 through 2016-17).

Kindergarten Attendance and Reading On Grade Level

Kindergarten Attendance and Reading On Grade Level

The more days a child comes to kindergarten, the more likely they are to read on grade level at the end of the year and in first grade.