Announcing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities Survey! Learn more and participate HERE
This brief summarizes the performance of students who received support from a Reading Specialist before the transition to digital learning and support, from October 2019 (fall) to February 2020 (winter).
Results from an annual survey designed to identify the number and nature of external supports in place at each SDP school. This report summarizes District-level findings from the fourth administration of the Census.
The District uses aimswebPlus assessments to monitor K-3 math progress on the Leading Indicators. This brief explores two research questions to better understand K-3 aimswebPlus student performance
This brief explores 2020-21 student enrollment patterns at District, Alternative, Charter, and Cyber Charter schools in Philadelphia, including by school admission type and student demographics, as well as changes in those patterns over time.
An evaluation of the implementation and impact of the Literacy and Learning Centers project.
We use aimswebPlus, a universal screening, benchmarking, and progress-monitoring tool from Pearson, to assess literacy and math proficiency in grades K-5. These assessments help identify students who are meeting grade- and term-level benchmarks as well as those who may need additional support. This post explains aimswebPlus administration and scoring, as well as how we use the data.
This brief analyzes the percentage of students who were reading in Tier 1/At Target by Special Education status, grade level, and primary disability in Winter 2020-21.
An outline of all major assessments that SDP students take in grades K through 12 during the 2020-21 school year.
In order to track student progress more frequently than the once-per-year PSSA, SDP has identified within-year “leading indicators” of student performance. We find that, in order to reach the goal of 62% proficiency on the PSSA, there must be an increase in the percentage of students in grades K-3 (both overall and by student subgroup) who score at or above grade-level on aimswebPlus, the Districts’s within-year reading assessment.
This 38-page report examines the literacy performance of K-3 students receiving the T3 Teach Plus intervention prior to implementation (2016-17) and two years after implementation (2018-19). It also compares the performance of students in T3 schools to that of students in matched comparison schools.