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Posts tagged ‘9-12’

2017-18 Educational Options Program (EOP) Senior Exit Survey Summary

2017-18 Educational Options Program (EOP) Senior Exit Survey Summary

Results from senior exit surveys administered by ORE and completed by graduates from SDP’s Educational Options Program (EOP) in 2018.

Graduation Rates for First Time 9th-Grade Students in 2014-15 and Matriculation Rates for 2018 Graduates

Graduation Rates for First Time 9th-Grade Students in 2014-15 and Matriculation Rates for 2018 Graduates

An analysis of four-year graduation rates among 2014-15 first-time 9th graders, including matriculation data for the class of 2018.

Supporting Grade 9: Early Trends in Student Outcomes At High Schools Implementing 9th Grade Interventions

Supporting Grade 9: Early Trends in Student Outcomes At High Schools Implementing 9th Grade Interventions

An overview of attendance, suspensions, and 9th Grade On-Track rates at high schools implementing 9th-grade supports in 2016-17 and 2017-18.

Summer Melt: College Intentions vs. College Enrollment (2017 SDP Seniors)

Summer Melt: College Intentions vs. College Enrollment (2017 SDP Seniors)

A summary of the “summer melt” rates of 2017 SDP high school seniors.

Defining Success: A New 9th Grade On-Track Definition

Defining Success: A New 9th Grade On-Track Definition

This brief introduces a concise way to measure 9th grade success by providing early indication of a student’s progress to on-time graduation. It also presents supporting evidence from analyses of Chicago Public Schools and internal SDP data.

Analysis of the 2012-13 9th Grade CTE Cohort

Analysis of the 2012-13 9th Grade CTE Cohort

This slide deck focuses on key comparisons between 2012-13 9th-graders who took CTE courses and those who did not.

2017 Senior Exit Surveys: District Summary

2017 Senior Exit Surveys: District Summary

Results from a 2017 survey of exiting seniors about whether they plan to obtain additional education, secure employment, or pursue other activities after graduation.

9th Grade Attendance and Graduation

9th Grade Attendance and Graduation

Five 9th-grade absences mean a lower graduation rate.