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This brief uses District-Wide Survey data to explore the trends in student perceptions of college and career readiness at School District of Philadelphia (SDP) high schools from 2016-17 to 2018-19.
This report builds on previous findings by examining first-fall matriculation outcomes of the 2015-16 first-time ninth-grade cohort who graduated on time (Class of 2019) by their Ninth Grade On-Track status (Firmly On-Track, On-Track But At Risk, and Off-Track). This report also compares matriculation outcomes across demographic characteristics.
All eighth-grade students in Philadelphia are encouraged to participate in the School Selection Process (SSP) to choose a school for ninth grade. This three-part series of research reports takes an in-depth look at four years of ninth-grade SSP admissions (2015-16 through 2018-19).
This introduction to the two SDP graduation rates explains how the metrics are calculated and how contributing factors have changed over time. It also outlines six-year trends in SDP’s graduation metrics (2013-14 through 2018-19).
A report on implementation of the Ninth Grade Academy (NGA) model as described by NGA Assistant Principals at 24 District schools.
An overview of English Learners in grades 6-12 and their progress toward meeting their ACCESS growth targets.
This three-part series takes an in-depth look at four years of ninth-grade SSP admissions (2015-16 through 2018-19).
Results from senior exit surveys administered by ORE and completed by graduates from SDP’s Educational Options Program (EOP) in 2019.
This brief provides information on 12th-grade attendance in 2018-19, overall and for various student subgroups.
Findings about SDP graduate experiences from the 2018-19 follow-up survey.