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Posts tagged ‘9-12’

Implementation of the Ninth Grade Academy in 2018-19

Implementation of the Ninth Grade Academy in 2018-19

A report on implementation of the Ninth Grade Academy (NGA) model as described by NGA Assistant Principals at 24 District schools.

English Learners Growth Toward English Proficiency, Grades 6-12

English Learners Growth Toward English Proficiency, Grades 6-12

An overview of English Learners in grades 6-12 and their progress toward meeting their ACCESS growth targets.

School Selection in SDP: Who Applies to 9th Grade? Where do they Apply?

School Selection in SDP: Who Applies to 9th Grade? Where do they Apply?

This three-part series takes an in-depth look at four years of ninth-grade SSP admissions (2015-16 through 2018-19).

2018-19 Educational Options Program (EOP) Exit Survey Summary

2018-19 Educational Options Program (EOP) Exit Survey Summary

Results from senior exit surveys administered by ORE and completed by graduates from SDP’s Educational Options Program (EOP) in 2019.

12th Grade Attendance, 2018-19

12th Grade Attendance, 2018-19

This brief provides information on 12th-grade attendance in 2018-19, overall and for various student subgroups.

Graduate Follow-Up Survey Summary

Graduate Follow-Up Survey Summary

Findings about SDP graduate experiences from the 2018-19 follow-up survey.

12th Grade Attendance, 2017-18

12th Grade Attendance, 2017-18

This brief uses data from 2017-18 to provide information on 12th grade attendance records and student demographics.

On-Track but Vulnerable: 9th Grade Warning Signs of 10th Grade Struggles

On-Track but Vulnerable: 9th Grade Warning Signs of 10th Grade Struggles

A retrospective analysis of the academic trajectories of SDP 9th-graders who were on track to graduate in 2014-15. This brief identifies the 9th-grade characteristics that predict higher and lower graduation rates and also includes information about Keystone performance.

Perceptions of Instruction and 9th Grade On-Track Rates

Perceptions of Instruction and 9th Grade On-Track Rates

A look at the relationship between student perceptions of school climate and instruction and the percentage of 9th grade students on-track for graduation.

Analyses of 9th Grade CTE Cohorts (2013-14 & 2014-15)

Analyses of 9th Grade CTE Cohorts (2013-14 & 2014-15)

Analyses of two 9th grade cohorts, focusing on key comparisons between students who took CTE courses and those who did not.