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Posts tagged ‘6-8’

K-12 Student Participation and Performance on Math and Literacy Assessments during the 2020-21 mostly virtual school year

K-12 Student Participation and Performance on Math and Literacy Assessments during the 2020-21 mostly virtual school year

These four slide decks provide a District-level overview of K-12 student participation and performance on the aimswebPlus and Star math and literacy assessments. During the 2020-21 school year, aimswebPlus was administered 3 times (fall, winter, and spring) in grades K-5 and Star was administered 4 times in grades 6-8 and 3 times in grades 9-12.

Assessing Student Performance Before and During Virtual Learning Using AimswebPlus and Star Assessments

Assessing Student Performance Before and During Virtual Learning Using AimswebPlus and Star Assessments

This series of reports compares performance in reading and math assessments for the same set of students over time. The main metric used in the reports is the National Percentile Rank (NPR). NPR is a norm-referenced measure that compares student performance to a national sample of students.

School Support Census: 2019-20

School Support Census: 2019-20

Results from an annual survey designed to identify the number and nature of external supports in place at each SDP school. This report summarizes District-level findings from the fourth administration of the Census.

Philadelphia Public School Enrollment, 2019-20 and 2020-21

Philadelphia Public School Enrollment, 2019-20 and 2020-21

This brief explores 2020-21 student enrollment patterns at District, Alternative, Charter, and Cyber Charter schools in Philadelphia, including by school admission type and student demographics, as well as changes in those patterns over time.

Assessment Participation and Reading and Math Performance of K-8 Students Receiving Special Education Services

Assessment Participation and Reading and Math Performance of K-8 Students Receiving Special Education Services

This brief analyzes the percentage of students who were reading in Tier 1/At Target by Special Education status, grade level, and primary disability in Winter 2020-21.

Assessment Overview: 2020-21

Assessment Overview: 2020-21

An outline of all major assessments that SDP students take in grades K through 12 during the 2020-21 school year.

K-12 Student Participation and Performance on aimswebPlus and Star Assessments, Fall 2019 and Fall 2020

K-12 Student Participation and Performance on aimswebPlus and Star Assessments, Fall 2019 and Fall 2020

This report examines one aspect of the differences between Fall 2020 and Fall 2019: participation and performance on formative assessments in reading and math.

English Learners Growth Toward English Proficiency, Grades 6-12

English Learners Growth Toward English Proficiency, Grades 6-12

An overview of English Learners in grades 6-12 and their progress toward meeting their ACCESS growth targets.