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Attendance is important for positive educational outcomes. Research has found that high attendance is associated with reading at or above a student’s grade level, scoring at or above grade level in math, and being prepared for college and career. This brief uses attendance data across all students enrolled in District schools, including alternative programs, to identify trends in student attendance from 2017-18 to 2021-22.
Food insecurity directly impacts physical health and is associated with adverse developmental, behavioral, and social-emotional outcomes. This brief describes the prevalence of food insecurity among SDP households that responded to the District-Wide Survey (DWS) in 2021-22 and examines the differences in food insecurity rates across different student demographic groups and schools.
This report continues a series of publications examining the School District of Philadelphia’s (SDP) 2021-22 school selection process (SSP), and summarizes the last phase of the school selection process with a specific focus on high school enrollment results for 9th grade students in Fall 2022.
In the fall of the 2021-22 school year, five substantive changes were made to the School Selection Process, particularly with respect to rising ninth graders applying to criteria-based high schools for the 2022-23 school year. This series of reports provides a summary of eighth grade student qualifications and applications (report 1), initial lottery-based offers of admission (report 2), offers of admission after the waitlist process and student acceptances (report 3), applications and outcomes for external and internal K-12 applicants (report 4), and Fall 2022 student enrollment in criteria-based schools (report 5).
The Senior Exit Survey is administered annually each spring by the Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE). In 2021-22, ORE received responses from 6,075 seniors at 75 District high schools, representing 66% of enrolled 12th grade students.
This brief describes the District-wide tests administered at the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) during the 2021-22 school year and provides details about student participation.
As one of the primary measures of students’ college and career readiness, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) closely monitors graduation rates each year. This brief explores graduation rates across public schools in the city of Philadelphia in 2021-22, comparing trends for District, Alternative, and Charter schools.
In the 2021-22 school year, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) created a fully virtual Quarantine School for SDP students who needed to quarantine at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This report summarizes 2021-22 Quarantine School attendance, describes what took place in the Quarantine School virtual classrooms, and examines feedback from students, parents, and teachers about their experiences with Quarantine School.
The School District of Philadelphia’s Board of Education’s Goal 4 is focused on improving the reading and math performance of grades 9-11 students on the Keystones. To track progress toward the Goal, the District examines the performance of students on “Leading Indicators,” the within-year assessments of reading and math skills administered multiple times between the annual Keystone exams. This report examines the statistical relationship of Winter and Spring Star performance and Keystone performance in 2021-22.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) provides grant funding to eight regions in Pennsylvania to serve students experiencing homelessness through the Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) program. This brief provides information about progress toward the goals of the ECYEH grant program and priorities of SDP staff.