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Early Literacy Summer Institute: Years 1-3 Full Report

Early Literacy Summer Institute: Years 1-3 Full Report

Posted on June 5, 2018
Categories: literacy, system trends

A mixed-methods analysis of the efficacy of three SDP Early Literacy Summer Institutes held between 2015-2017.

Selected Results from the 2017-18 Kindergarten Registration Secretary Survey

Selected Results from the 2017-18 Kindergarten Registration Secretary Survey

Posted on June 1, 2018
Categories: attendance, school climate & support, surveys

Results from a December 2018 survey of SDP school secretaries about the kindergarten registration process.

Defining Success: A New 9th Grade On-Track Definition

Defining Success: A New 9th Grade On-Track Definition

This brief introduces a concise way to measure 9th grade success by providing early indication of a student’s progress to on-time graduation. It also presents supporting evidence from analyses of Chicago Public Schools and internal SDP data.

Teacher Perspectives on the Literacy and Learning Centers Project

Teacher Perspectives on the Literacy and Learning Centers Project

Posted on April 25, 2018
Categories: effective instruction, literacy

A summary of survey responses from teachers who participated in the 2016 K-2 SDP classroom redesign.

District-Wide Survey Climate and PSSA Scores, 2016-17

District-Wide Survey Climate and PSSA Scores, 2016-17

Posted on March 30, 2018
Categories: assessments, PSSA, school climate & support, surveys, system trends

An investigation of the relationship between school-level responses to District-Wide Survey climate questions and school-level PSSA scores for ELA and math in 2016-17.

Relationship Between District-Wide Survey Responses and Student Achievement, 2016-17

Relationship Between District-Wide Survey Responses and Student Achievement, 2016-17

An analysis of the relationship between District-Wide Survey responses and school-level standardized test scores in 2016-17.

Pre-K Survey Results 2016-17: Summary Report

Pre-K Survey Results 2016-17: Summary Report

Posted on March 16, 2018
Categories: attendance, surveys

A snapshot of survey responses from District and partner Pre-K parents.

AARP Experience Corps in SDP 2016-17: Study Summary

AARP Experience Corps in SDP 2016-17: Study Summary

Posted on March 4, 2018
Categories: literacy

Selected findings from ORE’s 2016-17 evaluation of the AARP Foundation Experience Corps tutoring program.

School Support Census: 2016-17

School Support Census: 2016-17

Posted on February 22, 2018
Categories: equity, school climate & support, School Support Census, surveys

The School Support Census is an annual survey designed to identify the number and nature of external supports in place at each SDP school. This report summarizes District-level findings from the second School Support Census (2016-17).

Grade 3 ELA PSSA Performance in SDP, 2014-15 to 2016-17

Grade 3 ELA PSSA Performance in SDP, 2014-15 to 2016-17

Posted on February 20, 2018
Categories: assessments, PSSA, system trends

This brief focuses on District-level progress toward Anchor Goal 2 by examining third-grade performance on the English Language Arts (ELA) PSSA exam over three school years (2014-15 through 2016-17).