On Thursday, February 27, the Board will hold an Action Meeting at 4:00 PM. Find materials here.
Announcing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities Survey! Learn more and participate HERE
Five areas, identified in 2018, where schools might need additional support to meet Wellness Policy guidelines.
An overview of five factors identified by parents and school staff as major barriers to on-time kindergarten registration.
District-Wide Survey response rates from 2014-15 to 2017-18 by respondent group, sector, and District network.
This report describes the framework that guided District-Wide Survey development, survey administration, reliability testing and validation, and the construction of school-level scores.
Results from a 2018 principal survey about the perceived benefits and challenges associated with Early Literacy Specialist coaching.
An examination of K-3 teacher retention and the extent to which teacher movement across grades, schools, and cohorts affected implementation of SDP’s early literacy initiative.
Data sources, evaluation activities, successes, and progress associated with the five-year AIDS Risk Reduction through Education and Staff Training project (“Project ARREST”).
An overview of attendance, suspensions, and 9th Grade On-Track rates at high schools implementing 9th-grade supports in 2016-17 and 2017-18.
A summary of the “summer melt” rates of 2017 SDP high school seniors.
A 2018 summary of major projects from each office in the ERA division.