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Early Literacy Coach Survey Findings, 2017-18

Posted on December 20, 2018
Categories: effective instruction, literacy

Responses related to caseload, confidence, and challenges from the 99 ELS coaches who responded to ORE’s ELS coach survey in January 2018. 

Third Grade AIMSweb and PSSA Performance, Spring 2018

Third Grade AIMSweb and PSSA Performance, Spring 2018

Posted on December 17, 2018
Categories: aimswebPlus, assessments, PSSA, system trends

This brief uses data from spring 2018 to examine the relationship between student performance on the AIMSWeb assessment and the English Language Arts PSSA.

The School Health Index 2017-18 Progress & Results: An Overview of Three Related Reports

The School Health Index 2017-18 Progress & Results: An Overview of Three Related Reports

Posted on December 16, 2018
Categories: health & nutrition

This brief summarizes findings from three longer reports that addressed different aspects of the School Health Index process and results in 2017-18.

A Review of School Health Index Progress 2017-18

A Review of School Health Index Progress 2017-18

Posted on December 14, 2018
Categories: health & nutrition, system trends

School progress toward improved health & wellness programming based on a modified version of the School Health Index.

The School Health Index 2017-18: Challenges to Promoting Health and Wellness in SDP Schools

The School Health Index 2017-18: Challenges to Promoting Health and Wellness in SDP Schools

Posted on December 12, 2018
Categories: health & nutrition

A summary of common challenges identified by schools supported by School Health Index and other District data.

Are SDP Schools Meeting Wellness Policy Guidelines? Results from the School Health Index 2017-18

Are SDP Schools Meeting Wellness Policy Guidelines? Results from the School Health Index 2017-18

Posted on December 6, 2018
Categories: health & nutrition

Five areas, identified in 2018, where schools might need additional support to meet Wellness Policy guidelines.

Barriers to On-Time Kindergarten Registration

Barriers to On-Time Kindergarten Registration

Posted on December 3, 2018
Categories: attendance, school climate & support, surveys

An overview of five factors identified by parents and school staff as major barriers to on-time kindergarten registration.

District-Wide Survey Response Rates (2014-15 through 2017-18)

District-Wide Survey Response Rates (2014-15 through 2017-18)

Posted on December 1, 2018
Categories: system trends

District-Wide Survey response rates from 2014-15 to 2017-18 by respondent group, sector, and District network.

District-Wide Surveys: Technical Report

District-Wide Surveys: Technical Report

Posted on November 15, 2018
Categories: system trends

This report describes the framework that guided District-Wide Survey development, survey administration, reliability testing and validation, and the construction of school-level scores.

Principal Experiences with Early Literacy Specialists: Survey Results

Principal Experiences with Early Literacy Specialists: Survey Results

Posted on October 20, 2018
Categories: literacy

Results from a 2018 principal survey about the perceived benefits and challenges associated with Early Literacy Specialist coaching.