On Thursday, February 27, the Board will hold an Action Meeting at 4:00 PM. Find materials here.

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An Overview of Findings from SDP's Return-to-School Survey

An Overview of Findings from SDP’s Return-to-School Survey

Posted on June 29, 2020
Categories: digital learning & school reopening, surveys

An overview of results from a survey about school reopening possibilities administered by the Office of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability in June 2020.

From Ninth Grade On-Track to College Matriculation: The Path of the 2015-16 SDP Ninth-Grade Cohort

From Ninth Grade On-Track to College Matriculation: The Path of the 2015-16 SDP Ninth-Grade Cohort

This report builds on previous findings by examining first-fall matriculation outcomes of the 2015-16 first-time ninth-grade cohort who graduated on time (Class of 2019) by their Ninth Grade On-Track status (Firmly On-Track, On-Track But At Risk, and Off-Track). This report also compares matriculation outcomes across demographic characteristics.

Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT): Parent Participation and Student Outcomes

Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT): Parent Participation and Student Outcomes

Posted on May 27, 2020
Categories: equity, literacy

The first brief in a two-year evaluation of a family engagement program intended to improve parent-teacher conferences to support collaboration between schools and homes.

Feedback from SDP Central Office Staff about the District-Wide Survey

Feedback from SDP Central Office Staff about the District-Wide Survey

Posted on May 14, 2020
Categories: Philly School Experience Survey (PSES), surveys

Results from ORE’s first Central Office staff survey, designed to complement the existing District-Wide Survey given to parents/guardians, teachers, principals, students, and school-based staff.

School Selection in SDP: Who Receives Admission Offers, and Which do they Accept?

School Selection in SDP: Who Receives Admission Offers, and Which do they Accept?

Posted on May 12, 2020
Categories: enrollment, equity, school selection, system trends

All eighth-grade students in Philadelphia are encouraged to participate in the School Selection Process (SSP) to choose a school for ninth grade. This three-part series of research reports takes an in-depth look at four years of ninth-grade SSP admissions (2015-16 through 2018-19).

Evaluation of the ELS Initiative, Report #4: Student Achievement

Evaluation of the ELS Initiative, Report #4: Student Achievement

Posted on May 12, 2020
Categories: effective instruction, literacy

The last of four reports on implementation, teacher benefits and changes to teacher practice, teacher turnover and retention, and student achievement related to SDP’s Early Literacy Specialist Initiative.

Ten Best Practices for Teaching and Learning in an Online Environment: A Summary of Existing Literature

Ten Best Practices for Teaching and Learning in an Online Environment: A Summary of Existing Literature

Posted on May 5, 2020
Categories: digital learning & school reopening, effective instruction

This brief is a summary of the key findings from articles, frameworks, and dissertations that describe and explain the practices that optimize teaching and learning in an online environment. It details ten key components that should be applied to the online learning environment, as well as recommendations and strategies to support teachers and students in being successful during digital learning.

School District of Philadelphia Graduation Rates: Definitions and Trends

School District of Philadelphia Graduation Rates: Definitions and Trends

Posted on May 4, 2020
Tags: ,
Categories: equity, high school graduation, system trends

This introduction to the two SDP graduation rates explains how the metrics are calculated and how contributing factors have changed over time. It also outlines six-year trends in SDP’s graduation metrics (2013-14 through 2018-19).

Special Education in the School District of Philadelphia: Understanding the Landscape, 2018-19

Special Education in the School District of Philadelphia: Understanding the Landscape, 2018-19

Posted on April 2, 2020
Categories: equity, special education, system trends

This brief provides a descriptive summary of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) classifications of students in the School District
of Philadelphia during the 2018-19 school year.

2018-19 District-Wide Survey Results: Technology Access

2018-19 District-Wide Survey Results: Technology Access

Posted on March 26, 2020
Categories: equity, system trends

Each year, more than 130,000 students, parents and guardians, teachers, and principals participate in a survey about their schools. This slide deck summarizes 2018-19 survey results related to technology access at home and at school.