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The Updated Pre-K-3 English Language Arts (ELA) Framework: A Brief Summary of the Supporting Research

The Updated Pre-K-3 English Language Arts (ELA) Framework: A Brief Summary of the Supporting Research

Posted on October 22, 2020
Categories: effective instruction, literacy

A short summary of research that supports shifts in SDP’s revised early literacy framework (PreK-Grade 3).

2019-20 District-Wide Survey Results: Technology Access

2019-20 District-Wide Survey Results: Technology Access

An overview of responses to five 2019-20 District-Wide Survey items related to technology.

Summer Melt: College Intentions vs. College Enrollment of SDP Seniors (2016-17 through 2018-19)

Summer Melt: College Intentions vs. College Enrollment of SDP Seniors (2016-17 through 2018-19)

Posted on October 21, 2020
Tags: ,
Categories: college & career, equity, Senior Exit and Follow-Up, surveys

This brief examines “summer melt” rates (or the rates at which students who said they intended to pursue post-secondary education as seniors did not enroll in college the following fall) among student subgroups in the SDP senior classes of 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Results from Senior Exit Surveys Completed by Students in Alternative Education Schools Graduating on a Non-Traditional Timeline 2019-20

Results from Senior Exit Surveys Completed by Students in Alternative Education Schools Graduating on a Non-Traditional Timeline 2019-20

Posted on October 20, 2020
Categories: college & career, equity, Senior Exit and Follow-Up, surveys

Results from a survey administered to alternative education students graduating on a non-traditional timeline.

Results from Senior Exit Surveys Completed by Graduating Students in the Educational Options Program (EOP) 2019-20

Results from Senior Exit Surveys Completed by Graduating Students in the Educational Options Program (EOP) 2019-20

Posted on October 20, 2020
Categories: college & career, equity, Senior Exit and Follow-Up, surveys

Results from a survey administered to seniors in the Educational Options Program.

From Ninth Grade On-Track to College Matriculation: The Path of the 2015-16 Ninth-Grade Cohort

From Ninth Grade On-Track to College Matriculation: The Path of the 2015-16 Ninth-Grade Cohort

Posted on October 20, 2020
Categories: 9th Grade On Track to Graduation metric, high school graduation

SDP’s Ninth Grade On-Track metric is an established and validated tool for early identification of students who are not likely to graduate on time. This slide deck summarizes findings found in From Ninth Grade On-Track to College Matriculation: The Path of the 2015-16 SDP Ninth-Grade Cohort, which compared matriculation outcomes across demographic and educational characteristics (gender, race/ethnicity, IEP status, EL status, economic disadvantage, and GPA).

2019-20 District-Wide Survey Technical Report

2019-20 District-Wide Survey Technical Report

Posted on October 16, 2020
Categories: Philly School Experience Survey (PSES), surveys

This report describes the framework that guided survey development, the administration of the surveys, the processes of survey reliability testing and validation, and the construction of school-level scores for reports. This version reflects new updates.

2019-20 Senior Exit Survey: District-Level Report

2019-20 Senior Exit Survey: District-Level Report

District-level report on findings from a 2019 survey of exiting seniors about whether they plan to obtain additional education, secure employment, or pursue other activities after graduation.

Summary of Themes from the “Feedback Form” Responses about SDP’s 2020 School Reopening Plan

Summary of Themes from the “Feedback Form” Responses about SDP’s 2020 School Reopening Plan

Posted on October 14, 2020
Categories: digital learning & school reopening, surveys

Between June and August 2020, the Office of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability (ERA) used an online feedback form to gather input about reopening schools for the 2020-21 school year. This report summarizes findings from an analysis of the comments submitted from the time the feedback form opened on June 23 until August 14.

Maximizing Students' School Breakfast Participation

Maximizing Students’ School Breakfast Participation

Posted on October 7, 2020
Categories: health & nutrition, school breakfast

This report examines several SDP breakfast delivery models and uses data from a two-year study to examine factors related to school breakfast delivery and student participation, analyze implementation challenges, and offer conclusions and recommendations.