Blended learning describes a method of differentiated student instruction delivered in part from a teacher and in part from an online delivery method. Students engaged in blended learning have some control over the curriculum’s pace, path, or learning location. SDP first implemented the blended learning initiative in 2017-18, providing 238 teachers at 39 schools with products from 11 different blended learning vendors.
Evaluation of SDP’s Blended Learning Initiative
About the Initiative
About the Evaluation
ORE administered teacher and principal surveys and analyzed program usage data from vendors to monitor implementation of the initiative. In 2016-17, ORE’s evaluation focused on whether schools received the supports necessary for implementation, including training. At that time, ORE found that most teachers were not able to meet the recommended implementation targets for student usage of the rotation programs, and while teachers and principals accessed data provided by the vendor programs, teachers generally did not use the data to group students or differentiate instruction.
In 2017-18, ORE’s evaluation included the following key findings:
- Most schools still struggled to meet the vendor-recommended implementation targets. However, teachers reported accessing student program data and using it to inform instruction.
- Overall, teachers and principals were satisfied with the support they received (including vendor-provided training).
- Teachers said the initiative provided instructional scaffolding benefits but that students struggled to work independently.
- More students who met ELA implementation usage targets scored proficient on the PSSA-ELA exam.
- Similarly, more students who met math implementation usage targets scored proficient on the PSSA-Math exam.
For More Information
Contact Kelly Linker, Research Specialist: