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Category: system trends

Trends in Performance on the SPR from 2014-15 to 2017-18

Trends in Performance on the SPR from 2014-15 to 2017-18

This brief provides a summary of School Progress Report trends overall, by report type (elementary, K-8, middle school, and high school), and for each domain from 2014-15 to 2017-18.

Naviance Usage in SDP, 2016-17 and 2017-18

Naviance Usage in SDP, 2016-17 and 2017-18

This report summarizes SDP Naviance usage across two school years. It identifies whether tasks were assigned, and, if so, whether they were completed at the both the student and school level.

Within-Year Student Enrollment Trends, 2017-18

Within-Year Student Enrollment Trends, 2017-18

This brief examines within‐year enrollment trends for students whose first school of record in 2017‐18 was a District, Charter, or Renaissance Charter school.

Third Grade AIMSweb and PSSA Performance, Spring 2018

Third Grade AIMSweb and PSSA Performance, Spring 2018

This brief uses data from spring 2018 to examine the relationship between student performance on the AIMSWeb assessment and the English Language Arts PSSA.

A Review of School Health Index Progress 2017-18

A Review of School Health Index Progress 2017-18

School progress toward improved health & wellness programming based on a modified version of the School Health Index.

District-Wide Survey Response Rates (2014-15 through 2017-18)

District-Wide Survey Response Rates (2014-15 through 2017-18)

District-Wide Survey response rates from 2014-15 to 2017-18 by respondent group, sector, and District network.

District-Wide Surveys: Technical Report

District-Wide Surveys: Technical Report

This report describes the framework that guided District-Wide Survey development, survey administration, reliability testing and validation, and the construction of school-level scores.

Supporting Grade 9: Early Trends in Student Outcomes At High Schools Implementing 9th Grade Interventions

Supporting Grade 9: Early Trends in Student Outcomes At High Schools Implementing 9th Grade Interventions

An overview of attendance, suspensions, and 9th Grade On-Track rates at high schools implementing 9th-grade supports in 2016-17 and 2017-18.

Summary of Major Projects in the Office of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability, 2017-18

Summary of Major Projects in the Office of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability, 2017-18

A 2018 summary of major projects from each office in the ERA division.

Early Literacy Summer Institute: Years 1-3 Full Report

Early Literacy Summer Institute: Years 1-3 Full Report

A mixed-methods analysis of the efficacy of three SDP Early Literacy Summer Institutes held between 2015-2017.