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Category: system trends

Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Analysis of 2018-19 Data)

Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Analysis of 2018-19 Data)

Information about progress related to the Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) grant program and the priorities of SDP staff.

A Four-Year Summary of “Summer” Learning Loss: Changes in K-2 Independent Reading Levels from June to November, 2016-2019

A Four-Year Summary of “Summer” Learning Loss: Changes in K-2 Independent Reading Levels from June to November, 2016-2019

In July 2019, we published a brief on “summer” learning loss from 2015-16 to 2018-19. This brief updates and extends those analyses by adding a fourth “summer” of information about K-2 independent reading levels and examining student performance by demographic characteristics, Special Education and English Learner status, and zip code of residence.

From Ninth Grade On-Track to College Matriculation: The Path of the 2015-16 SDP Ninth-Grade Cohort

From Ninth Grade On-Track to College Matriculation: The Path of the 2015-16 SDP Ninth-Grade Cohort

This report builds on previous findings by examining first-fall matriculation outcomes of the 2015-16 first-time ninth-grade cohort who graduated on time (Class of 2019) by their Ninth Grade On-Track status (Firmly On-Track, On-Track But At Risk, and Off-Track). This report also compares matriculation outcomes across demographic characteristics.

School Selection in SDP: Who Receives Admission Offers, and Which do they Accept?

School Selection in SDP: Who Receives Admission Offers, and Which do they Accept?

All eighth-grade students in Philadelphia are encouraged to participate in the School Selection Process (SSP) to choose a school for ninth grade. This three-part series of research reports takes an in-depth look at four years of ninth-grade SSP admissions (2015-16 through 2018-19).

School District of Philadelphia Graduation Rates: Definitions and Trends

School District of Philadelphia Graduation Rates: Definitions and Trends

This introduction to the two SDP graduation rates explains how the metrics are calculated and how contributing factors have changed over time. It also outlines six-year trends in SDP’s graduation metrics (2013-14 through 2018-19).

Special Education in the School District of Philadelphia: Understanding the Landscape, 2018-19

Special Education in the School District of Philadelphia: Understanding the Landscape, 2018-19

This brief provides a descriptive summary of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) classifications of students in the School District
of Philadelphia during the 2018-19 school year.

2018-19 District-Wide Survey Results: Technology Access

2018-19 District-Wide Survey Results: Technology Access

Each year, more than 130,000 students, parents and guardians, teachers, and principals participate in a survey about their schools. This slide deck summarizes 2018-19 survey results related to technology access at home and at school.

Comparing Perspectives #4: District-Wide Survey Responses about Leadership

Comparing Perspectives #4: District-Wide Survey Responses about Leadership

The fourth installment in a District-Wide Survey series that examines areas of agreement-–and disagreement–-between students, families, and educators.

Third Grade English and Math Performance on the PSSA, 2018-19

Third Grade English and Math Performance on the PSSA, 2018-19

A descriptive analysis of third-grade District performance on the 2019 PSSA and PASA exams by race/ethnicity, gender, English Learner status, and special education status.

Trends in Performance on the School Progress Report (SPR) from 2014-15 to 2018-19

Trends in Performance on the School Progress Report (SPR) from 2014-15 to 2018-19

A summary of School Progress Report trends in District and Charter school performance overall, by report type, and for each domain from 2014-15 to 2018-19.