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Budget Priorities for the 2022-23 School Year: Survey Results

Budget Priorities for the 2022-23 School Year: Survey Results

In Spring 2022 the Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) surveyed School District of Philadelphia (SDP) stakeholders about what supports should be prioritized in the budget for the 2022-23 school year. This slide deck provides an overview of feedback and responses.

Philadelphia Public School Enrollment, 2020-21 and 2021-22

Philadelphia Public School Enrollment, 2020-21 and 2021-22

This brief explores 2021-22 student enrollment patterns at District, Alternative, Charter, and Cyber Charter schools in Philadelphia, including by school admission type and student demographics, as well as changes in those patterns over time.

Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Analysis of 2020-21 Data)

Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Analysis of 2020-21 Data)

In collaboration with other city agencies, such as Philadelphia’s Office of Homeless Services, ECYEH priorities include tracking the number of homeless students and providing support such as school enrollment assistance, vouchers for uniforms, transportation passes, and additional funding for school supplies. This brief provides information about progress toward the goals of the ECYEH grant program and priorities of SDP staff.

Where do 9th Graders go to School? An Analysis of Home Zip Codes and 9th Grade School Enrollment, 2017-18 to 2020-21

Where do 9th Graders go to School? An Analysis of Home Zip Codes and 9th Grade School Enrollment, 2017-18 to 2020-21

This brief looks at geographical trends in enrollment at SDP high schools from 2017-18 to 2020-21 by examining the relationships between two key variables: 1) which SDP high schools first time 9th graders enroll in and 2) those students’ home zip codes.

2020-21 Senior Exit Survey: District-Level Report

2020-21 Senior Exit Survey: District-Level Report

District-level report on findings from a 2020 survey of exiting seniors about whether they plan to obtain additional education, secure employment, or pursue other activities after graduation.

Special Education in the School District of Philadelphia:  Recognizing the Landscape, 2019-20

Special Education in the School District of Philadelphia: Recognizing the Landscape, 2019-20

This report provides a descriptive summary of the nine Specialized Service support programs provided to 20,787 students with one or more Individualized Education Plan (IEP) classifications in the School District of Philadelphia during the 2019-20 school year.

Teacher Responses to the Employee Exit Survey, 2017-2021

Teacher Responses to the Employee Exit Survey, 2017-2021

The Employee Exit Survey is an optional survey that every School District of Philadelphia (SDP) employee can complete upon resigning or retiring from their position. It is an opportunity for employees to share the reasons why they chose to leave SDP and offer any feedback to improve employee retention at SDP. This brief examines survey...
School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS): Five-year School-wide Outcome Trends

School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS): Five-year School-wide Outcome Trends

This report examines changes in school-wide outcomes from 2014-15 to 2018-19 for schools that first implemented PBIS in 2014-15 and similar non-PBIS schools. The school-wide outcomes include data on attendance, suspensions, violent and serious incidents, sense of belonging and school safety, and ELA and Math PSSA performance. Overall patterns reveal that, in general, PBIS schools...
Philadelphia Public School Enrollment, 2019-20 and 2020-21

Philadelphia Public School Enrollment, 2019-20 and 2020-21

This brief explores 2020-21 student enrollment patterns at District, Alternative, Charter, and Cyber Charter schools in Philadelphia, including by school admission type and student demographics, as well as changes in those patterns over time.

Budget Priorities for the 2021-22 School Year: Survey Results

Budget Priorities for the 2021-22 School Year: Survey Results

In Spring 2021 the Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) surveyed School District of Philadelphia (SDP) stakeholders about what supports should be prioritized in the budget for the 2021-22 school year. This slide deck provides an overview of feedback and responses.