On January 16th at 4 p.m. the Board of Education will hold a Goals and Guardrails Committee Meeting.
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The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) provides grant funding to eight regions in Pennsylvania to serve students experiencing homelessness through the Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) program. This brief provides information about progress toward the goals of the ECYEH grant program and priorities of SDP staff.
This brief explores 2022-23 Philadelphia public school enrollment patterns at District, Alternative, Philadelphia Charter, and Cyber Charter schools, including by school admission type and student demographics, as well as changes in those patterns since 2014-15.
This research brief highlights the changes in the percentage of students scoring in the Proficient or Advanced performance groups on the PSSA exams from 2019 (pre-Covid) to 2022 (post-Covid) in Pennsylvania school districts.
The 2021-22 school year was the first year that the PSSAs and Keystones were administered normally since 2018-19 (pre-pandemic). These briefs describe District-wide performance trends on the PSSAs and the Keystone exams from 2014-15 to 2021-22.
Beginning with the class of 2023, Pennsylvania high school students will need to demonstrate career or postsecondary preparedness to meet statewide graduation requirements and receive a diploma. This Philadelphia Education Research Consortium (PERC) publication examines Pennsylvania’s new graduation requirements (Act 158), including the results of an analysis using historical District data to explore potential impacts for school communities.
This brief extends an ongoing series of reports examining SDP’s 2021-22 school selection process, offering a summary of the number of external and internal K-12 applicants to SDP schools.
The School District of Philadelphia’s English Learner (EL) population includes students from over 130 countries who speak over 100 different languages. By tracking the enrollment trends of ELs in the District, we can identify Learning Networks that have growing EL populations and allocate resources to accommodate for the programs and supports that benefit ELs.
As one of the primary measures of students’ college and career readiness, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) closely monitors graduation rates each year. This brief explores graduation rates across public schools in the city of Philadelphia in 2020-21, comparing trends for District, Alternative, and Charter schools.
In Spring 2022 the Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) surveyed School District of Philadelphia (SDP) stakeholders about what supports should be prioritized in the budget for the 2022-23 school year. This slide deck provides an overview of feedback and responses.
This brief explores 2021-22 student enrollment patterns at District, Alternative, Charter, and Cyber Charter schools in Philadelphia, including by school admission type and student demographics, as well as changes in those patterns over time.