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Category: system trends

9th Grade Attendance and Graduation

9th Grade Attendance and Graduation

Five 9th-grade absences mean a lower graduation rate.

Year 2 Report on Transformation Schools

Year 2 Report on Transformation Schools

Selected findings from a study of student outcomes at two Transformation Schools.

Summary of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability Work Prepared for the School Reform Commission

Summary of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability Work Prepared for the School Reform Commission

A 2017 summary of major projects from each office in the ERA division.

Summary of Major Projects in the Office of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability

Summary of Major Projects in the Office of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability

This summary report was prepared for the School Reform Commission in April 2017. This report provides an overview of updates on major projects as well as a summary of data requests, external research projects, and recent studies.

SDP Suspension Trends, 2013-14 through 2015-16

SDP Suspension Trends, 2013-14 through 2015-16

A summary of trends in District-wide suspension data across three years.

The School District of Philadelphia Virtual Academy (PVA) Report

The School District of Philadelphia Virtual Academy (PVA) Report

Findings from a study of student characteristics and outcomes at PVA, SDP’s public cyber school, in 2015-16.

Report on Survey Data from Cohort 1 Redesign Schools

Report on Survey Data from Cohort 1 Redesign Schools

Selected findings from an ORE study of two-year trends in District-Wide Survey data at four schools participating in the School Redesign Initiative.

Year 2 Report on Three New High Schools

Year 2 Report on Three New High Schools

Selected findings from a 2017 ORE study that examined student outcomes at The LINC, U School, and Building 21 after two years of operation.

2014-15 Satisfaction Survey Feedback

2014-15 Satisfaction Survey Feedback

This brief presents an overview of data collected from the 2014-15 Customer Satisfaction Survey. These data are based on feedback from principals, assistant principals, and central office staff and relate to customer service provided by the Office of the Superintendent, Office of Academic Supports, Office of Talent, Office of Facilities and Operations, Office of Student Support Services, Office of Information and Data Management, and the Office of Budget and Finance.

Charter School Accountability in the School District of Philadelphia: Issues of Oversight and Performance

Charter School Accountability in the School District of Philadelphia: Issues of Oversight and Performance

This report by the Accountability Review Council provides a summary of findings and recommendations focused on charter school performance and charter school accountability policy as of September 2015.