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Category: system trends

A Review of School Health Index Progress 2017-18

A Review of School Health Index Progress 2017-18

School progress toward improved health & wellness programming based on a modified version of the School Health Index.

District-Wide Survey Response Rates (2014-15 through 2017-18)

District-Wide Survey Response Rates (2014-15 through 2017-18)

District-Wide Survey response rates from 2014-15 to 2017-18 by respondent group, sector, and District network.

District-Wide Surveys: Technical Report

District-Wide Surveys: Technical Report

This report describes the framework that guided District-Wide Survey development, survey administration, reliability testing and validation, and the construction of school-level scores.

Supporting Grade 9: Early Trends in Student Outcomes At High Schools Implementing 9th Grade Interventions

Supporting Grade 9: Early Trends in Student Outcomes At High Schools Implementing 9th Grade Interventions

An overview of attendance, suspensions, and 9th Grade On-Track rates at high schools implementing 9th-grade supports in 2016-17 and 2017-18.

Summary of Major Projects in the Office of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability, 2017-18

Summary of Major Projects in the Office of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability, 2017-18

A 2018 summary of major projects from each office in the ERA division.

Early Literacy Summer Institute: Years 1-3 Full Report

Early Literacy Summer Institute: Years 1-3 Full Report

A mixed-methods analysis of the efficacy of three SDP Early Literacy Summer Institutes held between 2015-2017.

District-Wide Survey Climate and PSSA Scores, 2016-17

District-Wide Survey Climate and PSSA Scores, 2016-17

An investigation of the relationship between school-level responses to District-Wide Survey climate questions and school-level PSSA scores for ELA and math in 2016-17.

Relationship Between District-Wide Survey Responses and Student Achievement, 2016-17

Relationship Between District-Wide Survey Responses and Student Achievement, 2016-17

An analysis of the relationship between District-Wide Survey responses and school-level standardized test scores in 2016-17.

Grade 3 ELA PSSA Performance in SDP, 2014-15 to 2016-17

Grade 3 ELA PSSA Performance in SDP, 2014-15 to 2016-17

This brief focuses on District-level progress toward Anchor Goal 2 by examining third-grade performance on the English Language Arts (ELA) PSSA exam over three school years (2014-15 through 2016-17).

Kindergarten Attendance and Reading On Grade Level

Kindergarten Attendance and Reading On Grade Level

The more days a child comes to kindergarten, the more likely they are to read on grade level at the end of the year and in first grade.