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Category: school climate & support

School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS): Update on Implementation Outcomes

School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS): Update on Implementation Outcomes

Updates to a 2017 ORE study on SWPBIS, a District initiative designed to enhance school climate.

Kindergarten Attendance and Reading On Grade Level

Kindergarten Attendance and Reading On Grade Level

The more days a child comes to kindergarten, the more likely they are to read on grade level at the end of the year and in first grade.

9th Grade Attendance and Graduation

9th Grade Attendance and Graduation

Five 9th-grade absences mean a lower graduation rate.

Second Step Year 2 Evaluation Report

Second Step Year 2 Evaluation Report

The second yearly evaluation of Second Step implementation and outcomes.

SDP Suspension Trends, 2013-14 through 2015-16

SDP Suspension Trends, 2013-14 through 2015-16

A summary of trends in District-wide suspension data across three years.

School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) and Restorative Practices (RP)

School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) and Restorative Practices (RP)

Results from a 2017 evaluation that focused on fidelity of implementation and student outcomes.

School Support Census: 2015-16

School Support Census: 2015-16

Findings from the first School Support Census, administered in 2016.

Renaissance Schools Initiative: A Look at School Climate in Renaissance Initiative Schools

Renaissance Schools Initiative: A Look at School Climate in Renaissance Initiative Schools

This research brief explores changes in school climate after a school turnaround effort at School District of Philadelphia Promise Academies and Renaissance Charter schools. Specifically, it looks at whether Promise Academies and Renaissance Charter schools demonstrated a change in the rate of serious incidents and a reduction in the percentage of students involved in a serious incident.

Make It and Take It: Autism Speaks Workshop

Make It and Take It: Autism Speaks Workshop

This evaluation report examines the Make It and Take It: Autism Speaks workshop held in 2012.