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Category: literacy

Principal Perceptions of Early Literacy Specialist Turnover, 2017-18

Principal Perceptions of Early Literacy Specialist Turnover, 2017-18

Results from a 2018 principal survey about their experiences with Early Literacy Specialist coaches.

Early Literacy Coach Survey Findings, 2017-18

Responses related to caseload, confidence, and challenges from the 99 ELS coaches who responded to ORE’s ELS coach survey in January 2018. 

Principal Experiences with Early Literacy Specialists: Survey Results

Principal Experiences with Early Literacy Specialists: Survey Results

Results from a 2018 principal survey about the perceived benefits and challenges associated with Early Literacy Specialist coaching.

K-3 Teacher Retention in the Early Literacy Initiative

K-3 Teacher Retention in the Early Literacy Initiative

An examination of K-3 teacher retention and the extent to which teacher movement across grades, schools, and cohorts affected implementation of SDP’s early literacy initiative.

Reading Specialists Implementation and Outcomes, 2016-17

Reading Specialists Implementation and Outcomes, 2016-17

An investigation of implementation and outcomes associated with

Early Literacy Specialist 2017-18 Teacher Survey Results

Early Literacy Specialist 2017-18 Teacher Survey Results

Results from a 2018 teacher survey about the perceived benefits and challenges associated with Early Literacy Specialist coaching.

Early Literacy Summer Institute: Years 1-3 Full Report

Early Literacy Summer Institute: Years 1-3 Full Report

A mixed-methods analysis of the efficacy of three SDP Early Literacy Summer Institutes held between 2015-2017.

Teacher Perspectives on the Literacy and Learning Centers Project

Teacher Perspectives on the Literacy and Learning Centers Project

A summary of survey responses from teachers who participated in the 2016 K-2 SDP classroom redesign.

AARP Experience Corps in SDP 2016-17: Study Summary

AARP Experience Corps in SDP 2016-17: Study Summary

Selected findings from ORE’s 2016-17 evaluation of the AARP Foundation Experience Corps tutoring program.

Kindergarten Attendance and Reading On Grade Level

Kindergarten Attendance and Reading On Grade Level

The more days a child comes to kindergarten, the more likely they are to read on grade level at the end of the year and in first grade.