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Category: equity

Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH): Program Implementation and Outcomes

Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH): Program Implementation and Outcomes

A summary of findings from ORE’s 2015-16 program evaluation.

School Support Census: 2015-16

School Support Census: 2015-16

Findings from the first School Support Census, administered in 2016.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) 2015 Program Evaluation

Career and Technical Education (CTE) 2015 Program Evaluation

During 2014-15, The School District of Philadelphia (SDP) offered CTE programs in 29 schools, across 37 professional tracks. This 49-page report examines the cohort of SDP students who were first-time 9th graders in 2011-12. These students’ four-year trajectories were tracked and analyzed with a focus on the effects of participation in CTE.

City Year, Year 1 Evaluation Report: 2013-14

City Year, Year 1 Evaluation Report: 2013-14

An evaluation of City Year’s effectiveness in meeting its goals for the 2013-14 school year (Year 1) and extending into the 2014-15  (Year 2).

Educating Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness, 2013-14

Educating Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness, 2013-14

An evaluation of SDP’s Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness program (ECYEH) in 2013-14.

Teacher Effectiveness System: The Impact of Building-Level Data on Teacher Ratings

Teacher Effectiveness System: The Impact of Building-Level Data on Teacher Ratings

A policy brief addressing concerns about the impact of building-level School Performance Profile (SPP) scores on teacher evaluations in the School District of Philadelphia.

Educating Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness, 2012-13

Educating Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness, 2012-13

This evaluation report assessed ECYEH program activities for the 2012-13 school year based on the office’s three priorities: Improving and maintaining the computerized tracking of homeless students; ensuring continued school enrollment for homeless students as they await placement in permanent housing; and increasing outreach to homeless and displaced teenagers and families living in doubled-up arrangements.

Y.S. Stipulation: Internal Evaluation 2013-14

Y.S. Stipulation: Internal Evaluation 2013-14

As part of the Y.S. Stipulation, the District conducts an annual internal evaluation to assess its progress in providing high-quality instruction and support to EL students and their families; every three years, an external evaluation is conducted to explore additional areas of improvement in the District and to provide technical assistance where needed. This report serves as the internal evaluation for the 2013-14 academic year.

Educating Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness, 2011-12

Educating Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness, 2011-12

An evaluation of SDP’s Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness program (ECYEH) in 2011-12.

21st Century Community Learning Centers - Cohort 5, Year 3 Evaluation Report

21st Century Community Learning Centers – Cohort 5, Year 3 Evaluation Report

This evaluation report describes the activities and outcomes of Year 3 of the School 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21CCLC) grant-funded program, awarded to the School District of Philadelphia in March 2010 by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.