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Category: equity

Performance of K-3 Students who Received Support from a Reading Specialist in 2019-20

Performance of K-3 Students who Received Support from a Reading Specialist in 2019-20

This brief summarizes the performance of students who received support from a Reading Specialist before the transition to digital learning and support, from October 2019 (fall) to February 2020 (winter).

School Support Census: 2019-20

School Support Census: 2019-20

Results from an annual survey designed to identify the number and nature of external supports in place at each SDP school. This report summarizes District-level findings from the fourth administration of the Census.

School Selection in SDP: Applications and Admissions to 9th Grade for School Year 2020-21

School Selection in SDP: Applications and Admissions to 9th Grade for School Year 2020-21

In 2020, we published a three-part series of reports that took an in-depth look at four years of 9th-grade school selection process admissions (2015-16 through 2018-19). This report extends that analysis by summarizing applications and admissions to 9th grade during the 2020-21 selection process (for the 2021-22 school year).

Trends in SDP Math PSSA Performance: 2015-16 to 2018-19

Trends in SDP Math PSSA Performance: 2015-16 to 2018-19

This report summarizes Math PSSA performance across four years (2015-16 through 2018-19).  In general, performance across the four years was characterized by incremental year-to-year improvements.

Assessment Participation and Reading and Math Performance of K-8 Students Receiving Special Education Services

Assessment Participation and Reading and Math Performance of K-8 Students Receiving Special Education Services

This brief analyzes the percentage of students who were reading in Tier 1/At Target by Special Education status, grade level, and primary disability in Winter 2020-21.

Summary of 2019-20 High School Graduation Rates in Philadelphia

Summary of 2019-20 High School Graduation Rates in Philadelphia

This brief explores patterns in the SDP 2019-20 four-year high school graduation rate by sector (District, Charter, and Alternative), Network, Admission type, and student demographics. This brief also includes an analysis of changes in graduation rates for student cohorts with target four-year graduation years of 2018-19 and 2019-20, as well as an examination of potential contributing factors to increased graduation rates from 2018-19 to 2019-20.

Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Analysis of 2019-20 Data)

Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Analysis of 2019-20 Data)

Information about progress related to the Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) grant program and the priorities of SDP staff.

Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL) Summer Institute: 2020-21 Implementation Report

Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL) Summer Institute: 2020-21 Implementation Report

This 16-page brief focuses on the 2020-21 Summer Institute, designed to to provide teachers with a firm foundation of theoretical understanding and corresponding strategies for teaching conceptual, analytic and disciplinary language practices academic language to all students.

Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL): 2019-20 Implementation Report

Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL): 2019-20 Implementation Report

In 2019-20, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) implemented the QTEL initiative with 115 teachers in grades 6-12 from 29 SDP schools. This 45-page report reviews all components of SDP’s QTEL implementation in 2019-20.

The 2019-20 End-of-Year Report: A System-Level Summary of School Performance During a Year when Full School Progress Reports could not be Published

The 2019-20 End-of-Year Report: A System-Level Summary of School Performance During a Year when Full School Progress Reports could not be Published

The data included in this 21-page brief are a system-level summary of school performance according to the modified 2019-20 End-of-Year Reports.