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Category: reading specialists

Performance of K-3 Students who Received Support from a Reading Specialist in 2019-20

Performance of K-3 Students who Received Support from a Reading Specialist in 2019-20

This brief summarizes the performance of students who received support from a Reading Specialist before the transition to digital learning and support, from October 2019 (fall) to February 2020 (winter).

Findings from the 2019-20 End-of-Year Reading Specialists Survey

Findings from the 2019-20 End-of-Year Reading Specialists Survey

In spring 2020, the Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) administered an end-of-year survey to the 38 SDP Reading Specialists. ORE received 34 completed surveys (a response rate of 89%), and the surveys included 268 open-ended comments. This 17-page brief provides an overview of findings, including representative open-ended comments, from that survey.