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Category: effective instruction

Findings from the 2019-20 End-of-Year Reading Specialists Survey

Findings from the 2019-20 End-of-Year Reading Specialists Survey

In spring 2020, the Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) administered an end-of-year survey to the 38 SDP Reading Specialists. ORE received 34 completed surveys (a response rate of 89%), and the surveys included 268 open-ended comments. This 17-page brief provides an overview of findings, including representative open-ended comments, from that survey.

Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL): 2019-20 Implementation Report

Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL): 2019-20 Implementation Report

In 2019-20, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) implemented the QTEL initiative with 115 teachers in grades 6-12 from 29 SDP schools. This 45-page report reviews all components of SDP’s QTEL implementation in 2019-20.

The 2019-20 End-of-Year Report: A System-Level Summary of School Performance During a Year when Full School Progress Reports could not be Published

The 2019-20 End-of-Year Report: A System-Level Summary of School Performance During a Year when Full School Progress Reports could not be Published

The data included in this 21-page brief are a system-level summary of school performance according to the modified 2019-20 End-of-Year Reports.

T3 Teach Plus: Two-Year Changes in Early Literacy Performance

T3 Teach Plus: Two-Year Changes in Early Literacy Performance

This 38-page report examines the literacy performance of K-3 students receiving the T3 Teach Plus intervention prior to implementation (2016-17) and two years after implementation (2018-19). It also compares the performance of students in T3 schools to that of students in matched comparison schools.

K-5 English to Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) Teacher Survey Results

K-5 English to Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) Teacher Survey Results

This slide deck outlines the perceptions and experiences of ESOL teachers and their utilization and satisfaction with SDP’s collaborative English Language Development (ELD) model of instruction.

Feedback about Digital Learning from Non-Instructional School-Based Staff: Results from the Fall 2020 Survey

Feedback about Digital Learning from Non-Instructional School-Based Staff: Results from the Fall 2020 Survey

This six-page brief reviews feedback collected from a survey about digital learning administered to non-instructional school-based staff.

Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) Evaluation Report,  2018-19 to 2019-20

Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) Evaluation Report, 2018-19 to 2019-20

The final evaluation report on Academic Parent-Teacher Teams, a family engagement program aimed at addressing family-school partnerships by improving parent-teacher conferences in a way that expands collaboration between school and home.

Implementation and Outcomes of the Together is Better Program, 2017-20

Implementation and Outcomes of the Together is Better Program, 2017-20

This report focuses primarily on the implementation and outcomes of the TIB program at the two schools who participated in the program for both implementation years.

Digital Learning During Summer 2020: A Summary of Offerings, Participation, Implementation, and Lessons Learned

Digital Learning During Summer 2020: A Summary of Offerings, Participation, Implementation, and Lessons Learned

During summer 2020, SDP offered a variety of online programs to support student learning. This report summarizes findings from an evaluation of four offerings: Summer Opportunity for Academic Review (SOAR), English Learner Summer Program for Newcomers (ELSP), Extended School Year (ESY), and Credit Recovery.

The Updated Pre-K-3 English Language Arts (ELA) Framework: A Brief Summary of the Supporting Research

The Updated Pre-K-3 English Language Arts (ELA) Framework: A Brief Summary of the Supporting Research

A short summary of research that supports shifts in SDP’s revised early literacy framework (PreK-Grade 3).