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Category: blended learning

Blended Learning Initiative Report: Cohort 2, Year 2 (2019-20)

Blended Learning Initiative Report: Cohort 2, Year 2 (2019-20)

In 2018-19, the School District of Philadelphia chose a new cohort of classrooms at 32 schools to receive support implementing the Blended Learning Initiative (BLI). These schools joined an existing cohort of classrooms at 39 schools selected to participate in Year 1 of the initiative in 2016-17. This 15-page report responds to three primary research questions as they relate to Cohort 2 Year 2 of BLI.

Blended Learning Initiative Cohort 2, Year 1 (2018-19)

Blended Learning Initiative Cohort 2, Year 1 (2018-19)

Findings related to implementation and outcomes of the first year of the second cohort of SDP’s Blended Learning Initiative.