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Category: college & career

How Student Perceptions of College and Career Readiness Differ by Type of SDP High School, 2016-17 to 2018-19

How Student Perceptions of College and Career Readiness Differ by Type of SDP High School, 2016-17 to 2018-19

This brief uses District-Wide Survey data to explore the trends in student perceptions of college and career readiness at School District of Philadelphia (SDP) high schools from 2016-17 to 2018-19.

From Ninth Grade On-Track to College Matriculation: The Path of the 2015-16 SDP Ninth-Grade Cohort

From Ninth Grade On-Track to College Matriculation: The Path of the 2015-16 SDP Ninth-Grade Cohort

This report builds on previous findings by examining first-fall matriculation outcomes of the 2015-16 first-time ninth-grade cohort who graduated on time (Class of 2019) by their Ninth Grade On-Track status (Firmly On-Track, On-Track But At Risk, and Off-Track). This report also compares matriculation outcomes across demographic characteristics.

School District of Philadelphia Graduation Rates: Definitions and Trends

School District of Philadelphia Graduation Rates: Definitions and Trends

This introduction to the two SDP graduation rates explains how the metrics are calculated and how contributing factors have changed over time. It also outlines six-year trends in SDP’s graduation metrics (2013-14 through 2018-19).

Implementation of the Ninth Grade Academy in 2018-19

Implementation of the Ninth Grade Academy in 2018-19

A report on implementation of the Ninth Grade Academy (NGA) model as described by NGA Assistant Principals at 24 District schools.

Results from the Spring 2019 CTE Follow-Up Survey

Results from the Spring 2019 CTE Follow-Up Survey

Results from a 2019 ORE survey of CTE students about their experiences after graduation.

2019 Senior Exit Surveys: District Summary

2019 Senior Exit Surveys: District Summary

Results from a 2019 survey of exiting seniors about whether they plan to obtain additional education, secure employment, or pursue other activities after graduation.

2018-19 Educational Options Program (EOP) Exit Survey Summary

2018-19 Educational Options Program (EOP) Exit Survey Summary

Results from senior exit surveys administered by ORE and completed by graduates from SDP’s Educational Options Program (EOP) in 2019.

Graduate Follow-Up Survey Summary

Graduate Follow-Up Survey Summary

Findings about SDP graduate experiences from the 2018-19 follow-up survey.

On-Track but Vulnerable: 9th Grade Warning Signs of 10th Grade Struggles

On-Track but Vulnerable: 9th Grade Warning Signs of 10th Grade Struggles

A retrospective analysis of the academic trajectories of SDP 9th-graders who were on track to graduate in 2014-15. This brief identifies the 9th-grade characteristics that predict higher and lower graduation rates and also includes information about Keystone performance.

Perceptions of Instruction and 9th Grade On-Track Rates

Perceptions of Instruction and 9th Grade On-Track Rates

A look at the relationship between student perceptions of school climate and instruction and the percentage of 9th grade students on-track for graduation.