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Exploring the Diversity and Supports for School District of Philadelphia English Learners as they Prepare to Transition to High School

Exploring the Diversity and Supports for School District of Philadelphia English Learners as they Prepare to Transition to High School

This Philadelphia Education Research Consortium (PERC) study shines a spotlight on ELs in 7th and 8th grade, describing the diversity of home languages spoken, countries and regions of birth, and duration of EL status across the population of English Learners in the years leading up to their transition to high school.

2021-22 Outcomes for First-Time Ninth-Grade Cohort Students Who Did Not Graduate in Four Years

2021-22 Outcomes for First-Time Ninth-Grade Cohort Students Who Did Not Graduate in Four Years

This brief complements the 2021-22 four-year graduation brief by presenting the 2021-22 outcomes for students at District and Alternative schools who did not graduate from high school in four years.

2021-22 Senior Exit Survey: District-Level Report

2021-22 Senior Exit Survey: District-Level Report

The Senior Exit Survey is administered annually each spring by the Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE). In 2021-22, ORE received responses from 6,075 seniors at 75 District high schools, representing 66% of enrolled 12th grade students.

2021-22 Four-Year High School Graduation Rates in Philadelphia

2021-22 Four-Year High School Graduation Rates in Philadelphia

As one of the primary measures of students’ college and career readiness, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) closely monitors graduation rates each year. This brief explores graduation rates across public schools in the city of Philadelphia in 2021-22, comparing trends for District, Alternative, and Charter schools.

2022 Summer Programs in SDP: Offerings, Attendance, Survey Results, and Recommendations

2022 Summer Programs in SDP: Offerings, Attendance, Survey Results, and Recommendations

Each year, SDP and its partner organizations offer a variety of summer programs to ensure that students, especially those most vulnerable to experiencing summer learning loss, have the opportunity to continue learning during the summer months. This report provides a summary of the 2022 summer programs, including information about enrollment and attendance, and findings from surveys and observations.

Results from the Spring 2022 CTE Graduate Follow-up Survey

Results from the Spring 2022 CTE Graduate Follow-up Survey

The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires each district to survey exiting seniors about their intentions after high school—specifically, whether students plan to obtain additional education, secure employment, or pursue other activities. This graduate follow-up survey asked Career and Technical Education (CTE) students from the class of 2021 about their experiences after graduation.

Changing the Finish Line: Implications of new graduation requirements in the School District of Philadelphia

Changing the Finish Line: Implications of new graduation requirements in the School District of Philadelphia

Beginning with the class of 2023, Pennsylvania high school students will need to demonstrate career or postsecondary preparedness to meet statewide graduation requirements and receive a diploma. This Philadelphia Education Research Consortium (PERC) publication examines Pennsylvania’s new graduation requirements (Act 158), including the results of an analysis using historical District data to explore potential impacts for school communities. 

Summary of 2020-21 High School Graduation Rates in Philadelphia

Summary of 2020-21 High School Graduation Rates in Philadelphia

As one of the primary measures of students’ college and career readiness, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) closely monitors graduation rates each year. This brief explores graduation rates across public schools in the city of Philadelphia in 2020-21, comparing trends for District, Alternative, and Charter schools.

Summer Melt: College Intentions vs. College Enrollment of 2021 School District of Philadelphia Seniors

Summer Melt: College Intentions vs. College Enrollment of 2021 School District of Philadelphia Seniors

Research has found that many high school graduates who intend to enroll in post-secondary education do not follow through with their intentions, a pattern known as “summer melt.” This brief summarizes findings from a study of the summer melt rates of the 2021 cohort of college-intending School District of Philadelphia (SDP) high school seniors.

2020-21 Senior Exit Survey: CTE Results

2020-21 Senior Exit Survey: CTE Results

The 2020-21 Senior Exit Survey contained a subset of questions specifically related to Career and Technical Education (CTE). The survey asked self-identified CTE students about their post-graduation plans for further education and employment. This slide deck provides a summary of the survey results for CTE respondents.