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The 2022-23 school year was the second year that the School District of Philadelphia used the suite of Star Assessments as universal screeners for reading and math for students in grades K-12. This report examines the statistical relationship between Star Reading, Star Math, and student performance on the PSSAs.
This brief provides a summary of the major assessments administered in the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) and student participation in these assessments during the 2022-23 school year.
Since the 2021-22 school year, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) has administered Star assessments as a universal screener and progress monitoring tool for all grades, K-12. This report summarizes findings on participation, performance, and growth across Fall and Spring Star testing windows in 2022-23, with comparisons to 2021-22 outcomes and details on performance of different student groups. A report addendum extends the analyses to focus on the relationship between attendance and student performance on Star assessments.
The ACCESS assessment is administered to English Learners (ELs) annually each winter to measure their progress toward English proficiency. Star Computer Adaptive Tests (CATs) are a suite of assessments administered 3-4 times during the school year to students in grades K-12 that measure students’ reading and math skills, monitor achievement and growth, and track how well students understand skills aligned to state and Common Core standards. Although some ELs are excused from participation in Star, most take Star Reading and Math. This report examines EL performance on the ACCESS and EL performance on Star within the context of ACCESS performance.
The School District of Philadelphia’s Board of Education established Goals and Guardrails that outline achievement goals through the 2025-26 school year. Goals 1 and 3 of this framework aim to increase the percentage of students in grades 3-8 scoring Proficient or Advanced on the PSSA ELA and PSSA Math each year, respectively. Star Reading and Star Math results are used as “Leading Indicators” to track progress toward these goals. This report examines the statistical relationship between Star performance and PSSA performance in 2021-22.
This brief describes the District-wide tests administered at the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) during the 2021-22 school year and provides details about student participation.
The School District of Philadelphia’s Board of Education’s Goal 4 is focused on improving the reading and math performance of grades 9-11 students on the Keystones. To track progress toward the Goal, the District examines the performance of students on “Leading Indicators,” the within-year assessments of reading and math skills administered multiple times between the annual Keystone exams. This report examines the statistical relationship of Winter and Spring Star performance and Keystone performance in 2021-22.
In the 2021-22 school year, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) transitioned to Star Assessments as the District-wide universal screener for reading and math for all students in grades K-12. Star Assessments can be organized into two categories: computer-adaptive tests (CATs) and curriculum-based measures (CBMs). Star Reading CBMs are administered to students in grades K-5. This report examines student participation in and performance on Star Reading CBM assessments in the four testing windows during the 2021-22 school year.
In the 2021-22 school year, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) transitioned to Star Assessments as the District-wide universal screener for reading and math for all students in grades K-12. Star Assessments can be organized into two categories: computer-adaptive tests (CATs) and curriculum-based measures (CBMs). Star Math CBMs are administered to students in grades K-3. This report examines student participation in and performance on Star Math CBM assessments in the four testing windows during the 2021-22 school year.
This report and the accompanying addendum examine fall 2021 Star Reading and Math assessment performance for SDP students who attended 2021 summer programming compared to a matched sample of students who did not attend summer programming.