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Category: assessments

Changes in PSSA Performance Levels, 2014-15 through 2018-19

Changes in PSSA Performance Levels, 2014-15 through 2018-19

This brief analyzes SDP progress by student performance level, rather than score; that is, we look at how many students moved across performance levels from one year to the next.

On-Track but Vulnerable: 9th Grade Warning Signs of 10th Grade Struggles

On-Track but Vulnerable: 9th Grade Warning Signs of 10th Grade Struggles

A retrospective analysis of the academic trajectories of SDP 9th-graders who were on track to graduate in 2014-15. This brief identifies the 9th-grade characteristics that predict higher and lower graduation rates and also includes information about Keystone performance.

Third Grade AIMSweb and PSSA Performance, Spring 2018

Third Grade AIMSweb and PSSA Performance, Spring 2018

This brief uses data from spring 2018 to examine the relationship between student performance on the AIMSWeb assessment and the English Language Arts PSSA.

District-Wide Survey Climate and PSSA Scores, 2016-17

District-Wide Survey Climate and PSSA Scores, 2016-17

An investigation of the relationship between school-level responses to District-Wide Survey climate questions and school-level PSSA scores for ELA and math in 2016-17.

Relationship Between District-Wide Survey Responses and Student Achievement, 2016-17

Relationship Between District-Wide Survey Responses and Student Achievement, 2016-17

An analysis of the relationship between District-Wide Survey responses and school-level standardized test scores in 2016-17.

Grade 3 ELA PSSA Performance in SDP, 2014-15 to 2016-17

Grade 3 ELA PSSA Performance in SDP, 2014-15 to 2016-17

This brief focuses on District-level progress toward Anchor Goal 2 by examining third-grade performance on the English Language Arts (ELA) PSSA exam over three school years (2014-15 through 2016-17).

ELA Benchmarks: Aiming for Sweet 16

ELA Benchmarks: Aiming for Sweet 16

An ORE analysis of how many math Benchmark questions students need to answer correctly to have a good chance of scoring proficient or advanced on the PSSA-ELA.

Math Benchmarks: Aiming for 18+

Math Benchmarks: Aiming for 18+

An ORE analysis of how many math Benchmark questions students need to answer correctly to have a good chance of scoring proficient or advanced on the PSSA-Math.