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Category: assessments

Assessing Student Performance Before and During Virtual Learning Using AimswebPlus and Star Assessments

Assessing Student Performance Before and During Virtual Learning Using AimswebPlus and Star Assessments

This series of reports compares performance in reading and math assessments for the same set of students over time. The main metric used in the reports is the National Percentile Rank (NPR). NPR is a norm-referenced measure that compares student performance to a national sample of students.

Analysis of AimswebPlus Math Subtest Performance for K-3 Students, Fall 2020

Analysis of AimswebPlus Math Subtest Performance for K-3 Students, Fall 2020

The District uses aimswebPlus assessments to monitor K-3 math progress on the Leading Indicators. This brief explores two research questions to better understand K-3 aimswebPlus student performance

Unpacking AimswebPlus

Unpacking AimswebPlus

We use aimswebPlus, a universal screening, benchmarking, and progress-monitoring tool from Pearson, to assess literacy and math proficiency in grades K-5. These assessments help identify students who are meeting grade- and term-level benchmarks as well as those who may need additional support. This post explains aimswebPlus administration and scoring, as well as how we use the data.

Trends in SDP Math PSSA Performance: 2015-16 to 2018-19

Trends in SDP Math PSSA Performance: 2015-16 to 2018-19

This report summarizes Math PSSA performance across four years (2015-16 through 2018-19).  In general, performance across the four years was characterized by incremental year-to-year improvements.

Assessment Participation and Reading and Math Performance of K-8 Students Receiving Special Education Services

Assessment Participation and Reading and Math Performance of K-8 Students Receiving Special Education Services

This brief analyzes the percentage of students who were reading in Tier 1/At Target by Special Education status, grade level, and primary disability in Winter 2020-21.

Assessment Overview: 2020-21

Assessment Overview: 2020-21

An outline of all major assessments that SDP students take in grades K through 12 during the 2020-21 school year.

Winter Data Snapshots: Star and aimswebPlus ELA and Math Assessments

Winter Data Snapshots: Star and aimswebPlus ELA and Math Assessments

These four slide decks provide District-level overviews of student performance on the Winter 2020-21 aimswebPlus and Star assessments in ELA/Literacy and Math.

Analysis of AimswebPlus Subtest Performance for K-3 Students, Fall 2020

Analysis of AimswebPlus Subtest Performance for K-3 Students, Fall 2020

In order to track student progress more frequently than the once-per-year PSSA, SDP has identified within-year “leading indicators” of student performance. We find that, in order to reach the goal of 62% proficiency on the PSSA, there must be an increase in the percentage of students in grades K-3 (both overall and by student subgroup) who score at or above grade-level on aimswebPlus, the Districts’s within-year reading assessment.

K-12 Student Participation and Performance on aimswebPlus and Star Assessments, Fall 2019 and Fall 2020

K-12 Student Participation and Performance on aimswebPlus and Star Assessments, Fall 2019 and Fall 2020

This report examines one aspect of the differences between Fall 2020 and Fall 2019: participation and performance on formative assessments in reading and math.

A Four-Year Summary of “Summer” Learning Loss: Changes in K-2 Independent Reading Levels from June to November, 2016-2019

A Four-Year Summary of “Summer” Learning Loss: Changes in K-2 Independent Reading Levels from June to November, 2016-2019

In July 2019, we published a brief on “summer” learning loss from 2015-16 to 2018-19. This brief updates and extends those analyses by adding a fourth “summer” of information about K-2 independent reading levels and examining student performance by demographic characteristics, Special Education and English Learner status, and zip code of residence.