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This brief analyzes the percentage of students who were reading in Tier 1/At Target by Special Education status, grade level, and primary disability in Winter 2020-21.
An outline of all major assessments that SDP students take in grades K through 12 during the 2020-21 school year.
These four slide decks provide District-level overviews of student performance on the Winter 2020-21 aimswebPlus and Star assessments in ELA/Literacy and Math.
In order to track student progress more frequently than the once-per-year PSSA, SDP has identified within-year “leading indicators” of student performance. We find that, in order to reach the goal of 62% proficiency on the PSSA, there must be an increase in the percentage of students in grades K-3 (both overall and by student subgroup) who score at or above grade-level on aimswebPlus, the Districts’s within-year reading assessment.
This report examines one aspect of the differences between Fall 2020 and Fall 2019: participation and performance on formative assessments in reading and math.
This brief uses data from spring 2018 to examine the relationship between student performance on the AIMSWeb assessment and the English Language Arts PSSA.