Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact the Office of Research and Evaluation?

Call us at 215-400-4260 or find more information on our Contact page.

How do I learn more about the Office of Research and Evaluation?

Please visit our projects page and our reports page to learn more about our work and products.

I want to read reports produced by the Office of Research and Evaluation. Where can I find them?

Please visit our reports page to find publications organized by year, topic, and project.

I am interested in working in the Office of Research and Evaluation. What positions are available?

Throughout the year, we may have positions available in support of a variety of our projects and initiatives. Please visit the Central Office Jobs Postings to see if we are hiring.

Does the Office of Research and Evaluation hire part-time staff?

Yes, our part-time staff are typically students from local universities. To inquire about part-time positions, please contact

For information about the Research Review Process, please see our Research Review Committee main page and Frequently Asked Questions about the Research Review Process.

I want to learn more about the annual Philly School Experience Survey (PSES). Where do I go?

Please visit our PSES page for the most up-to-date information. You can also reach the survey team at or by calling 215-400-6565.

When is the PSES?

The PSES opens in the spring of each school year.

Who participates in the PSES?

We collect responses from District, alternative, and charter school students, teachers, support staff, principals/assistant principals, and parents/ guardians.

Where can I find survey results for a specific school?

If your school meets the minimum number of responses required for publication [see our Survey FAQ] you will be able to see your school’s data via our online, interactive data tool. You can also view printable summaries of individual results for each participating school by clicking here.

I need help interpreting my school’s survey results.

For more specific responses to frequently asked questions about the PSES, see our survey FAQ here. You may also contact the survey team at or by calling 215-400-6565.

Still have questions? Please contact us.