The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) requires school districts to conduct a follow-up survey with graduates of their Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to learn about their experiences after graduation. This graduate follow-up survey asked whether Class of 2022 CTE graduates had enrolled in college, continued to work or train in their CTE field of study, or pursued other activities.

Key takeaways include:

  • Out of 961 CTE students who provided contact information on the Senior Exit Survey, 136 students participated in the CTE Graduate Follow-up Survey (a 14% response rate).
  • Compared to the Class of 2021 graduates, more Class of 2022 CTE graduates reported that they were enrolled in college the next fall (62% vs. 64%), and fewer students who reported they were not enrolled in college the next fall were unemployed and seeking work (15% vs 12%).
  • Of the students who responded to the survey and who were enrolled in college in the fall following their high school graduation, 47% reported they were also working part- or full-time, and 78% of those not enrolled in college who responded to the survey reported they were working part- or full-time.
  • Of students who responded to the survey and who were working part- or full-time, 39% of those enrolled in college and 24% of those not in college were employed in a job directly or closely related to their CTE field of study.