Posted on December 1, 2023
Categories: assessments, literacy, math, Star

Since the 2021-22 school year, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) has administered Star assessments as a universal screener and progress monitoring tool for all grades, K-12. This report summarizes findings on participation, performance, and growth across Fall and Spring Star testing windows in 2022-23, with comparisons to 2021-22 outcomes and details on performance of different student groups.

Key Findings

  • Participation: Participation in Star assessments was higher than 90% for grades K-8 in the three required 2022-23 windows. Although spring participation was lower than fall and winter and 9-12 participation was lower than other grade bands, K-12 participation in 2022-23 was higher than in 2021-22 for all windows.
  • Performance: Similar to 2021-22, the percentage of students who scored in the at/above benchmark performance level increased from fall to spring in the 2022-23 school year, and the percentage of students in the intensive intervention level decreased in both reading and math from fall to spring. The increase in the percentage of students scoring in the at/above benchmark performance level was observed for all racial/ethnic student groups.
  • Growth: Student growth in reading and math varied by grade level.


Student Attendance and Star Assessment Performance: 2022-23 School Year

In this addendum to the end-of-year report on participation, performance, and growth on Star assessments in the 2022-23 school year, we extend our previous analyses examining the relationship between attendance and future student outcomes to focus on the relationship between attendance and student performance on Star assessments.