Our planned 2022-23 research and evaluation projects are listed here by topic. If a project spans multiple topics, we have organized it by its primary topic.
Expand each project description to learn more about the questions we’re asking.
FOR SCHOOL SELECTION APPLICANTS ONLY: We have extended the appeals deadline for applicants with a documented barrier to Tuesday, Dec 17th, 2024, at 5:00 pm EST
Preliminary eligibility statuses are now available: log in and learn more HERE.
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Our planned 2022-23 research and evaluation projects are listed here by topic. If a project spans multiple topics, we have organized it by its primary topic.
Expand each project description to learn more about the questions we’re asking.
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published brief:
A Summary of District-Wide Assessments Administered to SDP Students During the 2021-22 School Year
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published brief:
PSSA Performance Trends in SDP: 2018-19 to 2022-23
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published slide deck here:
Keystone Performance Trends in SDP: 2018-19 to 2022-23
This is a knowledge-building study of a major district initiative. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published report:
End of Year Analysis of Participation and Performance on the Star Assessments at the School District of Philadelphia: 2022-23
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published report:
Analysis of the Relationship between 2021-22 Star Assessment and PSSA Assessment Performance
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published report:
Analysis of the Relationship between 2021-22 Star Assessment and Keystone Assessment Performance
This is a knowledge-building study. The question we’re asking is:
This is a Philadelphia Education Research Consortium (PERC) project. PERC is currently a partnership between Research for Action and ORE.
View the published report:
Exploring the Diversity and Supports for School District of Philadelphia English Learners as they Prepare to Transition to High School
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published report:
English Learner Performance on the 2021-22 ACCESS, Star Reading, and Star Math Assessments
This evaluation is required by a grant. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published report:
Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL): 2022-23 Implementation Report
This evaluation is required by a grant. The questions we’re asking include:
This study is required by a grant. The questions we’re asking include:
This report was published internally for use by the program office.
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published brief:
Household Food Insecurity in the School District of Philadelphia: An Analysis of District-Wide Survey Results, 2021-22
This study is required by a grant. The questions we’re asking include:
This project was removed from the 2022-23 agenda.
This is a knowledge-building study. The question we’re asking is:
The plan for this study was modified:
This is a knowledge-building study. The question we’re asking is:
This is a Philadelphia Education Research Consortium (PERC) project. PERC is currently a partnership between Research for Action and ORE.
View the published report:
Changing the Finish Line: Implications of new graduation requirements in the School District of Philadelphia
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published slide deck:
2021-22 Senior Exit Survey: District-Level Report
This is a knowledge-building study. The question we’re asking is:
View the published slide deck:
Results from the Spring 2022 CTE Graduate Follow-up Survey
This evaluation is a grant requirement. The questions we’re asking include:
This project was removed from the 2022-23 agenda.
This evaluation is a grant requirement. The questions we’re asking include:
This report was published internally for use by the program office.
This is a knowledge-building study. The question we’re asking is:
View the published brief (2021-22):
Student Attendance Patterns in Philadelphia, 2017-18 to 2021-22
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published brief:
Philadelphia Public School Enrollment, 2022-23
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the Research Roundup webinar and slide deck:
This is a knowledge-building study of a major district initiative. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published report:
School Selection: Enrollment of First-Time 9th Graders at District High Schools, 2019-20 through 2022-23
This is a knowledge-building study of a major district initiative. The question we’re asking is:
View the published report:
A Summary of the 2022-23 School Selection Process: Qualifications, Applications, Admission Offers, and Student Responses
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
This project was removed from the 2022-23 agenda.
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published brief:
2021-22 Four-Year High School Graduation Rates in Philadelphia
This study is required by a grant. The questions we’re asking include:
View the published brief:
Education of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Analysis of 2021-22 Data)
Here are some projects we are looking forward to completing in future years!
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re interested in include:
This is a knowledge-building study. The questions we’re interested in include: