PSTV provides educational program opportunities for ALL students enrolled in a school in Philadelphia.
PSTV Services
PSTV gets many calls to do production work, however this is NOT the work PSTV does. PSTV does provide students extra curricular options to take on projects that have been sent our way, and are used to add to their portfolios. Please keep in mind all projects produced through PSTV are by students who have an interest in the provided project.
The form you will fill out does not guarantee that your project will be selected. Once we have received your request we will review, and have a discussion with you and your team about the process and how we will reach out to students and see if there is an interest in your project.
PSTV Workshops – PSTV provides a plethora of programming that takes a five pronged approach. Check our our Virtual Club where you can get signed up today. If you don’t see a program you are interested in but it relates to media let us know. We love designing programs to support our students interest.
Do a tutorial on your own
Sign up for a DIY project and submit your content for distribution
Sign up for a workshop with an Professional Instructor
Request PSTV to teach a class during the school day
Sign up to join us for our after school programs at PSTV studios
PSTV Tours – Looking for opportunities to expose your students to a professional state of the art industry standard studio. You have come to the right place. We welcome students of all ages to join us for a half day or full day experience.
Students will get a tour of the studio
A chance to do a shout out (Hey we are students x and your watching PSTV)
Photo ops on equipment
Possible chance to do an interview segment (full day experience)
Q&A about opportunities through PSTV
Student produced projects –Many students are looking to expand their knowledge and grow their skill set. Do you have a project that needs producing, editing or music created. Let us know and we will do our best to find a student that may be able to support your needs. This is at the students desire.
Is it a reasonable project?
Do you know your deadline?
Do you have all your assets?
What is your time line?
Do you have a script ready to go?
Reminder students have busy lives and this is extra curricular for them.