Submit your Videos

PSTV  wants to distribute your student created content. WE accept videos/podcacasts/images produced by students to air on the Education Channel or other possible distribution platforms.  All student content can be submitted individually, by your instructor or a third party you have done work with. You will also be responsible for uploading media release forms and a Statement of Compliance, these documents can be shared through your Google Drive.

Here is a Quick Guide for all video submissions, which includes the technical standards requested. See information below.

PSTV prefers HD video content if at all possible. We understand there will be times when you only have SD content is available, in which case please follow the format guidelines for SD. The higher quality content submitted is always best.

HD – High Definition

H.264 or Mpeg-2
Resolution: 1920×1080 interlaced
Frame Rate: 29.97
Stereo Audio – 192kbs

SD – Standard Definition

H.264 or Mpeg-2
Resolution: 720×480 interlaced
Frame Rate: 29.97
Stereo Audio – 192kbs

Any H.264 file will work

NO color bars, countdown black at front or end, or slate needed

** Please take note: The scheduling of the Education channel is done through PSTV.  All requests are given equal access to program time on the channel. See “PSTV User Guide”. Playback slots will be assigned by PSTV, and PSTV will make every effort to schedule regularly produced access shows in the same time slot each month. However, PSTV, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to change the playback schedule at any time. PSTV also is a first come first serve basis, reserves priority time slot for PSTV Producer.

PSTV reserves the right of what will be aired on PSTV.  All content must fit within the PSTV guidelines.