Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month impacts children of all ages and adults around the world. In October 2021, the Children’s Hospital Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry declared the mental health crisis among children and adolescents a national emergency. According to Paul King, President and CEO of Stanford Children’s Health, pediatric suicide attempts and mental health cases rose by 53% in 2021.

As the Office of Prevention and Intervention within the School District of Philadelphia, we have made a commitment to provide the following services to address this emergency:

  • Creating targeted resources shared district-wide for support strategies when assisting with mental and emotional health crises within children and adolescents
  • Increasing the presence of mental health professionals throughout district schools inclusive of Prevention and Intervention Liaisons, Counselors and the STEP Program
  • Building and maintaining partnerships with community mental health agencies to support with referrals and crisis assessments

Office of Prevention & Intervention:

Signs to look for:

  • Talk: being a burden to others, experiencing unbearable pain, killing themselves, feeling trapped, having no reason to live
  • Behavior: increased use of alcohol or drugs, withdrawing from activities, isolating from friends and family, sleeping too much or too little, acting recklessly, aggressive behaviors, researching ways to harm themselves
  • Mood: depression, loss of interest, irritability, rage, anxiety, humiliation


What to do if you have concerns:

  • In the moment: If someone shows signs or expresses suicidal thoughts, stay with them, reduce the number of people around if possible, stay calm and remind them that you are there to support them. Withhold judgment and remind them they are not alone and help is available to discuss their thoughts and feelings.  This reminder may instill hope.
  • At school: If a student is experiencing a behavioral health emergency, immediately notify (call, not email), the Principal and the Counselor, for support and further instructions.
  • At home: Do not leave them alone.  Remove access to firearms, alcohol, drugs medication, sharp objects, or anything that could be used in an attempt to harm themselves.  Contact the suicide prevention resources below.

Resources for families, students and staff

Hotlines and Resources:

  • National Suicide and Crisis Lifelife, 24/7: Call or text 988
  • Philadelphia Crisis Hotline, 24/7: 215-686-4420
  • Crisis Text Line: text “TALK” to 741741
  • Philly Hope Line, Mondays-Thursday 10am-8pm: 1-833-745-4673
  • Trans Lifeline, 24/7: 877-565-8860
  • Peptok, listen to inspiring messages by kids: 707-873-7862

Important Dates:

  • September 1st-September 30th: Suicide Prevention Month
  • September 10th: World Suicide Prevention Day
  • September 10th-16th: National Suicide Prevention Week