To provide high quality educational programs and supports that prepare, encourage and empower ALL students to achieve their full academic and social potential. Our Network affords students the opportunity for success by assessing their individual needs and providing alternative pathways to graduation. All Philadelphia students have access to an alternative path to graduation regardless of age, ability or circumstance.
Our Mission

Statement of Purpose
The Vision for the Opportunity Network is for all Philadelphia students to have access to an alternative path to graduation, regardless of age, ability, or circumstance.
Provide students who are disconnected from school with multiple options for earning their high school diploma.
Ensure that students grow each year and graduate with the academic skills necessary for success in college, work, and life.
Explore and Embrace bold new educational approaches, both internal and external, with proven track records for success.
Maintain high expectations in the classroom, utilize clear and uniform teaching standards, and provide rich and meaningful opportunities for professional development.
Support students who are transitioning back to District schools by providing specialized services, comprehensive supports, and transition services.
Monitor and Evaluate external partners in order to ensure that students are receiving the highest level of service.
Affirm that all students receive the behavioral and socio-economical supports they need outside the classroom, to be successful inside the classroom.
Investigate non-traditional funding streams while continuing to advocate for the nation’s Opportunity Youth Population.