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Category: Environmental

TEAMwork Makes The DREAM work!

TEAMwork Makes The DREAM work!

During the collaboration efforts between Environmental and Facilities to re-activate mechanically inoperable House Fan Systems during the past winter. The Environmental team had to thoroughly inspect and, if needed, abate any environmental hazards in order for a house fan to be mechanically reactivated and function. During the recent summer construction season, the Environmental team supported…

Meet the Sustainability Management Program Manager

Meet the Sustainability Management Program Manager

Megan is the District’s Sustainability Manager. She has been working with the School District of Philadelphia in the Office of Environmental Management Services since 2008. She began her career as an Environmental Scientist, in 2014, she transitioned her focus to develop and manage the District’s Sustainability Program. Megan also manages the Lead in Drinking Water…

Stormwater Pioneer Award

Stormwater Pioneer Award

The School District established a Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) maintenance program three years ago with support from the William Penn Foundation. Through this program, there are 38 stormwater mitigation sites being maintained on District properties. These systems include rain gardens, green roofs, cisterns, and porous pavements. The School District recognizes the footprint our buildings, lots…

Meet the A-Team!

Meet the A-Team!

The A-Team Supervisor was introduced in our last article, and this new organization style is already paying dividends. The A-Team has one point of contact; John is able to organize and schedule each member of the team and efficiently report their progress out to others from a centralized hub. The A-Team is working in our…

City Funding & Hydration Stations

City Funding & Hydration Stations

We are working with the City of Philadelphia on a $95,000 grant to purchase hydration stations for our schools. This equates to approximately 80 new hydration stations. We will install the hydration stations in schools that are in need based on a variety of factors to include, The City of Philadelphia published blood lead levels,…



Donesafe, our new database program, is in the development stage.  We have been uploading our various google sheets, flushing out each module with real-world applications, and performing site visits to gain an understanding of how each module is interconnected to other departments.  We are anticipating an internal test phase to begin next month. We are…

Environmental Advisory Council

Environmental Advisory Council

The Environmental Advisory Council’s (EAC) inaugural meeting was held on January 26, 2021. Information about that meeting can be found here. Discussion topics included: the purpose of the EAC, how each committee member was selected, an overview of the Environmental Department, roles and responsibilities, and future reporting of projects and activities of OEMS. In an attempt…

OEMS New Hires

OEMS New Hires

In an effort for OEMS to be more proactive, OEMS has invested in people as well as processes. New key positions were added to the team. Kevin M. (top middle) was hired as the Environmental Response Manager, Gaeton T. (front row) serves as the Environmental Compliance Manager, and John M. (top left) was promoted to…

Asbestos Removal During Quarantine

Asbestos Removal During Quarantine

While all District schools remained closed as part of the response efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19, OEMS was able to remove asbestos containing materials (ACM) that were found in District schools. OEMS completed asbestos abatement, remediation or repair projects at 183 schools. More than 229,000 square feet (five acres) and 77,000 linear feet…

$100 Million University of Pennsylvania Donation

$100 Million University of Pennsylvania Donation

In November 2020, the University of Pennsylvania committed to donate $100 million, over ten years, to the School District of Philadelphia. These amounts will be used to support the District’s efforts to address  environmental conditions including asbestos and lead, in our public school buildings. The impact of this funding will supplement the ongoing efforts of…