Multilingual Curriculum and Programs
The District provides multiple programs to more than 25,000 English Learners (ELs).
Multilingual Curriculum and Programs
The Office of Multilingual Curriculum and Programs (OMCP) works with over 25,000 English Learners who represent more than 130 countries and speak more than 100 home languages.
Families can utilize this website to learn more about the different programs and opportunities offered for multilingual students and families, and to get assistance with any District-related questions or processes.
What We Do
- Provide Instructional Support for Schools
- Update EL Status (Flagging) in the Student Management System
- Support schools with transcript evaluation
- Facilitate student placement for Newcomer Learning Academy
- Process ESL non-program transfers
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English as a Second Language (ESL) Program
The ESL program helps English Learners (ELs) improve their proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. The goal is to provide ELs with social and academic language skills as well as cultural aspects of English that are necessary for career and college readiness.
The District’s ESL programs are rigorous, student-centered, and research-based. This combination best promotes academic literacy. To effectively teach language through academic content, ESL teachers and classroom teachers work and plan together. The curriculum is aligned to the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s English Language Development (ELD) Standards and Common Core State Standards
Eligibility & Enrollment
- When every new student enrolls with the School District, they must fill out the home language survey. The home language survey is used to assess whether or not the student may be eligible for ESL services.
- If the home language survey indicates that a language other than English is spoken at home, schools will utilize the English Learner Identification Procedure to determine if a student should be identified as an English Learner and placed into ESL programming.
- The English Learner Identification Procedure is a multi-faceted process that uses a number of steps to help assess a student’s English proficiency, including a parent interview, reviewing past academic records, and potentially, administering an English Language Screener.
- If a student is determined to be an English Learner, a letter, called the English Learner Entry Letter, will be sent home to their family. While English Learner status is dependent upon the Identification Procedure, parents may choose to opt out of any or all ESL services.
- Information about enrollment can be found HERE. If you need help with enrollment, our team has dedicated resources to help you.
Dual Language (Bilingual) Programs
Our Dual Language programs provide literacy and content instruction in two languages. These programs promote bilingualism and biliteracy, grade-level academic achievement, and multicultural competence for all students. Currently, our Dual Language programs provide Spanish/English bilingual education.
Schools that Offer Dual Language Programs
- Alexander McClure Elementary (K-5)
600 W. Hunting Park Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(215) 400-3870
- Bayard Taylor Elementary (K-5)
3698 N. Randolph St.
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(215) 400-3880
- Cayuga Elementary (K-5)
4344 N. 5th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(215) 400-3850
- Clemente Middle School
122 W. Erie Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Phone: (215) 400-3930
- Gloria Casarez
800 E. Ontario St.
Philadelphia, PA 19134
(215) 400-7160
- Hon. Luis Muñoz-Marín Elementary (K-8)
3300 N. 3rd St.
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(215) 400-3920
- Lewis Elkin Elementary (K-4)
3199 D St.
Philadelphia, PA 19134
(215) 400-7140
- Southwark Community (K-8)
1835 S. 9th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19148
(215) 400-8280
- William Cramp Elementary (K-5)
3449 N. Mascher St.
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(215) 400-3860
Newcomer Learner Academy (NLA)
The Newcomer Learner Academy (NLA) provides an accelerated course of study that also acclimates students to a U.S. school and classrooms.
- The NLA is for students ages 14 – 20 (in grades 9-12) who recently arrived to the United States and who demonstrate beginning levels of English language proficiency (i.e., 1.0-1.9).
- Courses embed literacy and language learning with content instruction in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
- Students are supported so that they are able and expected to learn standards-based content and actively participate in their learning.
- For students with interruptions or gaps in formal education, additional support is provided through specialized coursework in literacy
Your student’s English as a Second Language teacher and school point of contact (EL Point) will submit an application for your student if they believe that they will benefit from the Newcomer Learning Academy program.
Additionally, feel free to contact your school’s EL Point if you believe your student would benefit from the Newcomer Learning Academy program, or if you have any questions about the application process.
Newcomer Learning Academy Sites
Newcomer Summer Program
The Newcomer Summer Program is a summer program specifically designed for students who moved to the United States within the last year, and have limited English proficiency. Application information and specific program locations will be shared each Spring.
Seal of Biliteracy
- What it is: The Seal of Biliteracy is an Award for 11th and 12th grade students who are proficient in two or more languages (one of the languages being English). The Seal of Biliteracy allows students to receive recognition for their language proficiency in both taught and untaught languages, i.e. home and community languages.
- How does it work?: In order to receive the Seal of Biliteracy, students must submit the Student Application in the Fall. Each school’s Seal of Biliteracy lead will share application information with students. After submitting their application, students must work with their school’s Seal of Biliteracy Lead to register for the appropriate language tests. Students who demonstrate proficiency in both English (through prior or current year test scores) and additional language(s) will receive their Seal of Biliteracy Award(s) in the Spring or the following Fall.
Note: Students are not limited to earning the Seal of Biliteracy in only one additional language. We have had students earn multiple Seals to recognize their proficiency in three or more languages!
Policy 138 guides the English Language Development and Bilingual Education programs in the School District of Philadelphia (SDP). SDP shall provide a culturally and linguistically appropriate planned instructional program for English Learners (ELs), which builds on students’ home language and culture. ELs shall be identified, assessed and provided an equal opportunity to participate in instructional programs with equal access to educational programs and extracurricular activities. Policy 138 contains the following components:
- Identification, Placement, and Notification
- Programming
- Equitable Access
- Evaluation and Accountability
- Parent, Family, and Community Engagement
Community Meetings
The Office of Multilingual Curriculum and Programs hosts an annual community meeting to receive community feedback on and share key components of, Policy 138. This meeting is typically held each winter. RSVP information will be shared via email to Community Based Organizations, the FACE Family Newsletter, and on this site.
For more information, please contact the Office of Multilingual Curriculum and Programs at
Have additional feedback? Fill out our anonymous form here.
Last modified: January 21, 2025