
CLEANfutures is GreenFutures!

The School District’s GreenFutures Program and Streets Department are teaming up for a city-wide project to help make Philadelphia Litter free!

Join us in taking the first step – creating a LITTER INDEX– an accurate record (database) of city-wide litter. This data is intended to measure successful student action projects to make Philadelphia schoolyards Litter Free.

The Streets Department is recording litter on the street but needs help to collect data on school sites. That is where you come in. The School District needs all school students to play a role in this project’s first step by recording data about Litter on your school campus.

The Litter Index project will help guide the District’s efforts to address litter issues at schools.

As we’re learning together, we would love to hear about any litter-related issues and appreciate any feedback and ideas you have, including your experience using this form and suggestions for data-driven actions we can take together. Please contact and Jill Kelekolio at 

Your data will be compiled with other school’s data and shared.