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Posts tagged ‘welcoming’

Checklist: Is Your School "Family-Friendly" and Welcoming to All?

Checklist: Is Your School “Family-Friendly” and Welcoming to All?

The following article is taken from PTO Today and is written by Joy Underhill. For the full article, click here. Picture walking into a new school for the first time. You don’t know your way around. You aren’t sure of the sign-in procedures or even where to get information. You need a friendly face to...

Learn the Meaning of True Family-School Partnership at Overbrook Educational Center

At Overbrook Educational Center (OEC) there is a mission that the school abides by: “Own our actions, Put forth our best effort to excel, and Care for all.” These pillar values are apparent even in the family engagement work that is happening at OEC. This past fall, OEC won the Family School Partnership Award, and...