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Posts tagged ‘teen parenting’

ELECT Program Launches Breastfeeding Initiative

ELECT Program Launches Breastfeeding Initiative

The Education Leading to Employment and Career Training (ELECT) Program is a statewide program through the Pennsylvania Departments of Human Services and Education. ELECT helps pregnant and parenting students earn a diploma or high school equivalency (HSE) certificate, become better parents and make the transition to employment, career training or higher education. In February 2019,...
ELECT Team Reflects on Teen Fatherhood

ELECT Team Reflects on Teen Fatherhood

Members of the ELECT Team recently attended “Let’s Connect,” a conference celebrating Public Health Management Corporation's (PHMC) Focus on Fathers’ 15 years of service in Philadelphia. The conference objective was, “to increase the focus on healthy fatherhood through connection and collaboration.” Lamar Brennan, ELECT Program Coordinator, was invited to serve as a panelist to share about ELECT’s...