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Posts tagged ‘Teachers’

Establish a Great Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher this School Year

Families feel the start-of-school-year jitters just as much as their children do sometimes. Will my child get along with their peers? What will they learn this year? What school materials do I need to buy? How are they feeling? On top of a slew of other questions, parents wonder what kind of teacher their child...

How to Start Off the Year on the Right Foot with Your Child’s New Teacher

A new school year has just begun: you, as a parent/caregiver, are wondering how your child will  get along with their teacher. You’re curious about the teacher’s style, their discipline system, how they communicate with families, and more. Getting answers to your questions and calming all your worries depends on one thing—getting to know your...
Students with teacher at Literacy Night

Warren G. Harding Middle School Hosts a Successful Math and Literacy Night

On a Wednesday night in January, Warren G. Harding Middle School hosted its first Math and Literacy Night. Warren G. Harding is located in the Frankford area of Philadelphia and enrolls about 780 students. Math and Literacy Night was an event that had long been on Principal Mary Sanchez’s mind. She’d been trying to get...

Project-Based Learning Schools hold Symposium on Mass Incarceration

Students present their research. The United States prison system, made up of county jails, state and federal prisons, and immigration detention centers, houses over 2 million people, more of its population than any other country in the world. This number has skyrocketed since the early 1970s, with changes in federal and state laws, prison sentencing,...

Philly Schools Make Huge Progress towards Anchor Goals

Have you heard about the School District of Philadelphia's Action Plan 3.0 Anchor Goals? It's been the hot topic over the past couple of weeks as the School Progress Reports were released and major strides were made in key areas for our schools and students. Each of our anchor goals helps to define a high-quality...

Free Books For Read Across America Day

The Literacy Empowerment Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, invites your school to apply for FREE books for Read Across America Day. During the past year, LEF has distributed over 3,000,000 books to schools all across the country for Read Across America Day and other literacy projects. These books are free. Educators only pay shipping and...

Nominations Open for 2017-2018 Lindback Awards for Distinguished Teaching

Nominations are now open for the 2017-18 Lindback Award for Distinguishing Teaching. This award provides a wonderful opportunity for outstanding teachers to be recognized for their contributions to their school communities while also receiving a $3,500 award. In accordance with the guidelines designated in the links below, a school leadership team in each school will...

Building Trust Between Schools and Families

Why is building trust important? It's an easy question to answer—trust is essential in any relationship—but it's much harder to answer HOW we go about building trust. Lack of trust between schools and families can deeply hinder family engagement at schools. It can also cause unnecessary conflict between families and school staff due to miscommunication,...

Tips for Teachers: Building Relationships with Families

In honor of Family Engagement month, we wanted to not only focus on families who are engaged in their schools, but the teachers whom they support! Engaging families can be difficult for teachers, who already work very hard to ensure that our young people are getting the quality education they deserve, so we have assembled...