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Posts tagged ‘SAC’

District Families Show How to Support Student Health with their School Advisory Councils

District Families Show How to Support Student Health with their School Advisory Councils

With the pandemic still on people’s minds, one thing that schools and families are understandably concerned about is student mental health and wellness. Luckily, families and community members in so many of our schools are pitching in to help– allocating time, money, and effort to using their School Advisory Councils (SACs) and other parent leadership...

June 2021 SAC Tip of the Month: Transitioning from One School Year to the Next

As this school year comes to a close, we’ve pulled out an old article from our archives to review how to wrap up the school year when it comes to your school’s School Advisory Council (SAC). This is a great time to think about how to wind down the year and prepare for the future....

Families Learn from Each Other at the “Meeting of the SACs”

Have you ever wondered how family engagement works at other schools in the School District of Philadelphia? Well, all you have to do is ask! This past March, members of several school communities in North Philadelphia came together to discuss what School Advisory Councils (SACs) look like in each other schools and exchange helpful tips...

May 2021 SAC Tip of the Month: The Benefits of SAC Bylaws

Within your School Advisory Council (SAC), the members may agree on creating SAC Bylaws. Bylaws are a set of agreed-upon regulations that will dictate how the SAC functions and carries out its operations. While SACs are not required to write or submit bylaws, they have proven to be very helpful for many schools. Let’s review...

April 2021 SAC Tip of the Month: The Basics of SAC Elections

In these final few months of the school year, School Advisory Councils (SACs) across different schools are doing the work of wrapping up existing projects as well as beginning to prepare for the next school year. One of the ways to get a good start on next year’s SAC for your school is by setting...
Listening Ears and Productive Strategies at Strawberry Mansion High School

Listening Ears and Productive Strategies at Strawberry Mansion High School

This month and next month we are featuring a 2-part story on family engagement at Strawberry Mansion High School in North Philadelphia! Through this past year that all of us have had to stay physically isolated, one’s assumption would be that people would have less interaction with one another and feel more separated. However, at...

March 2021 SAC Tip of the Month: Time for a Tune-Up!

Somehow the first couple of months of 2021 have breezed on by, and we’ve already hit March. It seems like a good time for a School Advisory Council (SAC) tune-up and a chance for you to fine-tune any parts of your SAC meetings that can be even stronger as we head into the final several...

February 2021 SAC Tip of the Month: Collaborating with Other Family Groups

The School Advisory Council (SAC) at schools serves as a collaborative team made up of family members, the school principal, school-based staff, students (for schools grades 7-12), and community members. The main focal points of a SAC are student achievement and academics, school climate and culture, and family engagement. To have strategic conversations about these...

December 2020 SAC Tip of the Month: SAC and School Budgets

One of the value points of School Advisory Councils (SACs) all across District schools is being able to have the voices of multiple stakeholders heard about topics that are pertinent to our schools. In this December’s SAC Tip of the Month, we want to remind you that your school’s SAC meetings should be used to...

November 2020 SAC Tip of the Month – Combining Title I and SAC Meetings

Even in this virtual season, School Advisory Councils (SACs) all across District schools have been continuing to meet and engage in meaningful conversation! SACs, in many different schools, have adapted to meeting virtually and have continued the strong work of engaging families about school needs and growth in student academic achievement. In this month’s SAC...