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Posts tagged ‘holidays’

How to Keep Kids Engaged Over Winter Break

How to Keep Kids Engaged Over Winter Break

Can you believe winter break is almost here?! While we certainly hope it will be a peaceful and restful one for your family, we also want to make sure students come back to school in January eager and ready to learn. Winter break is a total of 10(!) days this year (including weekends), which may...
ELECT Team Ensures Pregnant and Teen Parents Feel Prepared to Feed Their Families!

ELECT Team Ensures Pregnant and Teen Parents Feel Prepared to Feed Their Families!

It’s already November and many families will be celebrating some big, food-centric holidays in the upcoming weeks. Think back to how you learned your way around the kitchen; who taught you the basics of grocery shopping, meal planning, and preparing a meal? How are you teaching those lessons to your children and family? The ELECT...