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Posts tagged ‘friends of’

February 2021 SAC Tip of the Month: Collaborating with Other Family Groups

The School Advisory Council (SAC) at schools serves as a collaborative team made up of family members, the school principal, school-based staff, students (for schools grades 7-12), and community members. The main focal points of a SAC are student achievement and academics, school climate and culture, and family engagement. To have strategic conversations about these...
Family Leadership Award Winner Haviva Goldman: Stepping Forward with New Initiatives

Family Leadership Award Winner Haviva Goldman: Stepping Forward with New Initiatives

Oftentimes, parents will express that they want to be more involved in their child’s school, but they don’t know how. Maybe it seems like there are too many possibilities and ways to help, or it can be unclear what the needs of a school are and how to step in. In 2009, Haviva Goldman, a...
Big Things are Happening at Nebinger Elementary School!

Big Things are Happening at Nebinger Elementary School!

Nebinger Elementary is South Philadelphia’s best-kept secret where big things are happening. Nebinger‘s School Advisory Council (SAC) works closely with school leadership, as well as with Nebinger’s Home and School Association (HSA) and the Friends of Nebinger, to track and support continued improvements in academic achievement, attendance, and school culture. Last school year, Nebinger‘s SAC...