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Posts tagged ‘events’

Find Your Story with the Free Library’s Summer of Wonder!

Looking for fun ways to expand your mind and keep your summer fresh and engaging—even indoors? The Free Library has a Summer of Wonder experience for you! What's Your Story? From artistic inspiration to STEAM building projects, from writing groups to world exploration, connect with your favorite library activities, or try something brand new! Bonus:...
May 2021 Family Offerings at the Free Library

May 2021 Family Offerings at the Free Library

The Free Library has exciting events happening virtually in May for children and families. All events are free but do require registration.  Virtual Pet Party! Thursday, May 6 at 10:00 a.m. May is National Pet Month and we're celebrating with a virtual pet show & tell party for young children and their families! We'll read a...
FACE Deputy Chief Invites YOU to the Roadmap for Navigating the School District of Philadelphia Conference!

FACE Deputy Chief Invites YOU to the Roadmap for Navigating the School District of Philadelphia Conference!

Focus on FACE asked FACE Deputy Chief Jenna Monley to reflect on the inspiration for the Family Engagement Conference. Here's the letter she wrote to invite you to join us on October 20. Navigating the School District can appear to be a daunting task. Moreover, we all share a common belief that families want the...
SAC Parent and FACE Deputy Chief Share Expertise on Panel at William Penn Foundation Event

SAC Parent and FACE Deputy Chief Share Expertise on Panel at William Penn Foundation Event

Meaningfully engaging and communicating with families is something that all educators and administrators struggle with—even us here in FACE! In a city as diverse and large as Philadelphia, communication with families is especially challenging. What will grab parents’ attention? Which communication vehicle works best? How do we phrase our messaging? The William Penn Foundation hosted...