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Posts tagged ‘duckrey’

Spotlighting the Partnership Between School and Families at Tanner Duckrey

Spotlighting the Partnership Between School and Families at Tanner Duckrey

Teamwork makes the dream work! In few places can we see that more strongly than at Tanner Duckrey School, as families and school staff have partnered together to make the 2019 Outstanding SAC Winning school the best it can be. Principal David Cohen and the leadership team have worked alongside family members to increase family...
Duckrey Families Show How SAC Academy Workshops Can Be Adapted for Your School Community

Duckrey Families Show How SAC Academy Workshops Can Be Adapted for Your School Community

Ms. Haskett and Ms. Clements after the attendance workshop they hosted at Tanner Duckrey School. In December 2018, the FACE office held a SAC Academy workshop called “Discussing Attendance as a SAC.” In this workshop, the attendees participated in an activity where they brainstormed all obstacles that prevent consistent attendance at their schools. After listing...